Jealousy looks good on you

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Hawks turned to me and sat down. He looked at me puzzled and pulled a smirk then glanced at Dabi. He sighed lightly and picked me up. "Hey! What are you doing bird brain?" I yelped as he kept the smirk on his face and chuckled to himself. I wondered what he was doing, as thinking about it I started to blush realizing that his face was so close to mine. He sat me down on his lap and started to smile widely. "You look good kid, even better on my lap." He teased poking fun at me, and Dabi scoffed in response. I could feel my face getting hot as I started to glow red and my cheeks became flushed as he shifted his hips and propped me down more comfortably. I decided to poke fun at him back, I see how it is. I leaned over kissing his cheek and burying my face in his chest. I could feel his wings flutter in response as he placed his arms on my back and hugged me. I could feel the jealousy in the room so I propped my head back up and rested it on Dabi's lap still sitting on Hawks's lap. He looked down at me and started to play with my hair. I shifted my legs making sure I was still on top of both of them laying down. "I could see you were jealous." I added, a look enveloped his face one mixed of jealousy, spite and maybe a tinge of lust. I could see where this was going and I wasn't prepared, well I was but still shocked. Dabi leaned in and kissed me on the lips, smirking as if acting like he did nothing. My face turned even more red as Hawks picked me up and propped me back on his lap, kissing me. "Don't you think it's fair to share?" Dabi hissed in response, a look of shock etched his eyes as he growled. "Who said I had to share?" Hawks asked in remark, kissing me again.

I couldn't think straight, my mind started to go blank and stars struck across the back of my eyes. I could feel myself getting hotter and I was obviously blushing. I don't think I could mix that up.

Dabi picked me up bridal style and carried me away as Toga entered the living room. My legs kicked as he ran away from Hawks. "Hey! Put me down bacon bits!" I yelled, kicking even harder not letting him have my way. "No." He growled, and he placed me on his bed locking the door. "You'll stay here until that bitch bird stops banging on the door." He chuckled. "Well then that means forever." I pouted, trying to escape the cold, dark room remembering what brought me here.

The memories flooded my mind of being a pro hero and jumping off of the rooftops, trying to enter the LOV's base crawling through the window. Once I opened the window and crawled in I remember that same stare I saw today, Dabi shirtless confused wondering how I got inside his room. I started to shake my head in response to these thoughts and opened the door crawling out of Dabi's room. Hawks was practically cawing.

"Kid! Kid! Kid! You okay? I thought the burnt man killed you!" He huffed, breathing heavily and holding my hand. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "I'm fine." I rolled my eyes, starring at him and my mind hit me. What if I kissed him? What could he do? I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips. His wings fluttered and he started to blush, I liked seeing him like this he was cute that way. "What, a kiss too much for you?" I stuttered, retaining my balance as I was processing what was going on. "No, its not." He picked himself back up sitting on the couch again. I followed him and sat on his lap, teasing him. His legs shifted and his thighs pressed together. He reached for the remote and flicked on the TV, nothing important was going on and I could tell he was trying to distract himself. I felt a bit tired so I layer on his chest falling asleep.

Once I woke up I wasn't on the couch. Instead I was tucked in a bed, but I didn't have a bedroom yet. As I looked to my left Hawks was sleeping, his hands wrapped around my waist. His body felt warm, nicely warm. As I looked to my right Dabi was asleep, curled up in the blankets as I heard him mumble "Go back to sleep, it's 2am." As he dozed back off. I layer back down and closed my eyes. Ready for the next day.

Wow! I wrote again! I'm proud of myself. I hope you enjoyed this episode as Ill continue to write more. This one was very fun to write and I look forward to writing some more:) -Keigo

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