End (1)

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"Should I choose a noble occupation
If I did I'd only show up late and
Sick and they would stare at me with hatred
Plus my only natural talent's wasted on my alcoholic friends
My alcoholic friends" -My Alcoholic Friends, The Dresden Dolls

It has been several weeks later since that day in the rain, oh how you longed for a time like that again as Hawks laid in your arms. His eyes rolled back and his head battered and bloody, blood seeping through his skull onto your clothes. It was a sticky and awfully thick consistency. His breathing became rugged and harder to manage as breaths of air strayed away from one another. His wings were broken and bandaged, he could no longer fly. His face pale and shaken, he was not in a good state. You rushed over to Dabi, heavy breathing and his ice blue eyes had no shine. He looked pale, felt cold to the touch and was bloodied and battered to no end. His head was bleeding, too much blood as he became dizzy and fell to the floor.

How did this happen? You swore you'd keep them safe like they'd do to you. But they weren't safe, they were hurt badly.

Walking along the cold pavement as the rain trickled down, you held Dabi's hand. Hawks was keeping a gaze above to make sure no one was there. You tightened the grip of your hand and so did he, you were all walking outside since recently in the middle of the night you woke up to banging on the windows and glaring eyes glowing in the distance. It freaked the hell out of you, so hopefully these people aren't too big of a threat.

Using your quirk, you realized it wasn't working. "Eraserhead" that word circled your mind like a vulture with a dead dear on the side of the road. Something wasn't right, at all. You ran, as fast as you could with your tennis shoes. The shoelaces starting to come undone, the rain making you slip on the cold ground, the rain weighing you down, trickling down your body. You couldn't just float or scale a building without your quirk, but you knew where he was and it had to be up high. 'When I see this man, when, when I see him I'm going to rip his heart out of his chest. Wait, he doesn't have one if he can do something like this. Did we do something *wrong* to him? We only had harmless fun... that's what we all thought.' Those words traced your brain, outlining your head and making it shatter into small fragments, you could not crack under pressure right now.

After what seemed like hours, when it was just merely minutes. You wondered, your mind dissociating from your body. You felt like a person in third person point of view, your hands didn't line up with your mind as they hugged you tight as you ran. Your chest ached, was it from the anxiety or despair you felt at that very moment or were you starting to get injured to? That didn't matter. 'Don't stop, you're almost there thankfully. I can see the outline of him, his body perched like a bird on the tree branch, his scarf in hand ready. Be aware, try your best to dodge him, he's skilled. Too skilled.' You sighed, jumping up in the rush of adrenaline and attaching your body to the tree diagonal to him. It was Aizawa Sensei, your old teacher and the pro hero Eraserhead. You didn't dare speak, not wasting your time on something that didn't matter in this moment.

"You've found me." He sighed, almost admitting defeat. But he knew as well as you that this was an act, a mere trap to get your guard down so he could attack and hit you fatefully, maybe striking you in the ribs, the chest, your head. He was hoping to get your head, it would be an easy target and if he struck you down the back of your head could hit the asphalt and cause you to become weak by giving you a concussion or worse, damage your skull and hit your brain. He tied his hair with a black rubber band and as he did so, you latched onto him which he didn't expect. "Augh! Fuck!" He yelled, kicking your stomach to try and shove you off. It didn't work even if you struggled for a second. You threw him down to the ground, grabbing his hair and pulling him to the ground, jumping off of the tree and slamming his head down. You heard a crack, it was his nose. You broke it, you sighed in relief but this was not over. He could easily just get up and lunge onto you.

'Think y/n, think quick. You have a clear chance to fuck his guy up and you need to take it. Or else you'll be on the other end.' Dropping to the floor, you held onto him and grabbed onto his arms, pushing them onto the ground and stomping on them multiple times as he screamed in agony. You smiled, not meaning to but feeling oddly satisfied with what you did. Lastly, you twisted his ankle and ran back. You were a mile away from them and there was a fifty fifty chance they weren't alive.

After about ten minutes of running as fast as you could, you got to Dabi. He was still breathing heavily and his bleeding stopped, hopefully his blood clotted. "Toya. Toya can you hear me?" You asked, he barely moved in response. You didn't think he'd be able to talk so you thought of a sign. "Toya, Dabi- uh yeah Toya. If you're alive please move your hand onto me. You need to move your hand onto me, I don't care if it's slow and you can barely do it I need to make sure you're going to be okay." Tears struck your eyes and fell from your eyes, you sniffled as very slowly his hand reached your foot. He was alive, even if you knew so before at least he wasn't paralyzed. "Stay right here while I check on Hawks okay?" You rushed over to him, just a few feet away.

But he was not breathing...

//Ahhh! Hi everyone I'm so so sorry for not updating in a month... I luv you guys so much and thank you for being patient. Here is part one of the end, there will be a few parts. Please enjoy<33 stay safe

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