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Okay this chapter will be fun... I hope! Anyways letz wroite (that was cringe I was trying to do "let's ride" but never mind. Anyways this chapter will deal with murder and descriptions of sex trafficking. Don't worry a new chapter will be out soon. So you can skip this one!

"What defines a straight man's straight?
Is it the boxer in the briefs or a 12 ounce steak?
I tell you what a women loves most
It's a man who can slap but can also stroke" -Verbatim, mother mother

You walked into the teachers lounge for lunch break, feeling refreshed but also a bit tired. You chose a seat next to hawks, fuck no lunch. You forgot to grab lunch so you sat there nervously. "What's wrong, I know something is wrong with that look on your face." He asks you, putting his hand on your knee. "I just forgot lunch, it's nothing that bad." You replied grabbing his hand underneath the table. "You can have some of mine, not like I'm going to eat this all." He smiled blissfully, giving you a granola bar, apple slices and one of his rice balls. "Thank you." You told him, smiling back at him.

There was really no teachers there except for Aizawa, obviously in his sleeping bag and Present Mic grabbing a Gatorade from the vending machine. So, it wasn't like you were causing a scene at all, it was quite peaceful and not as embarrassing because there was barely anyone else in the lounge.

Once lunch was done, you were off assisting Aizawa with training the kids. Some of the kids had interesting quirks like Momo, she could make objects appear out of her skin. That could be very useful, and she must be very rich. Watching Todoroki was cool, but he mainly used his ice side. I don't even wonder why, because his dad is a shithead. I mean, look at how Dabi turned out because of him. It was no secret he was awful, shame he's the number one hero.

You wondered how Dani was doing at home, and what he was doing. There was a lot he could get himself into, but he was pretty responsible compared to Toga. Well, can't expect much from a sixteen year old, can you? Yes, she's psycho but it's not her fault at all. I blame her parents, personally.

Denki walked up to you, "Hey! Can I see how high you can jump?" He asked politely as you agreed. You took in a deep breath and as soon as you released you blended your knees and jumped up. You were all the way up to the clouds, it was almost like you were floating in the air. As you braved for impact, you sighed and brought your hands down and slowed down the fall so you wouldn't hurt yourself. "Damn, I sure am glad that Aizawa tough to me how to control my quirk or I'd be dead by now." You thought to yourself and landed gracefully on the ground. "There! Is that what you were looking for?" You asked, as he marveled in amazement. "That was awesome! I didn't think you'd jump that high!" He yelled in excitement. "Why don't you show me your quirk?" You offered.

"Well, it's electricity! I can charge people's phones, send shockwaves, power cars and just generally zap people!" He smiled confidently. "Wanna see?" He asked you and you nodded your head. "Okay, the easiest way is to see your phone. Can I use your charger so I don't get anything on your phone?" He asked you. "Oh! Here." You gave it to him and your phone was at about 47%, but a few seconds with us it was at 100%. I don't get how people don't like him, he was smart and funny. "Here!" He gave your phone back. "Was that good?" He questioned standing nervously. "Yeah! That was brilliant, you're so cool!" You praised him, and that made his nervousness go away.

As soon as you knew, training was over and you got to go home. You saw a yellow paper on your car frame and someone under your car.  Sex traffickers, shit. You thought to yourself. But how were you going to approach this. If you ignored the paper, then the person could just slash your ankles and get you. If you looked at the paper slip they could force you into your car. So you walked back, pulled out your phone and called Hawks.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you but, there's a guy underneath the car. He's definitely a sex trafficker and there's a yellow paper on my car. I can clearly see him under my car so what should we do? Because I am not getting sex trafficked today." You told him, fear invoked your body.

"Babe, calm down. It'll be okay. We can get him, you aren't going to be hurt I promise." He reassured you.

Well, what are we going to do?" You asked him, trying no to let tears form in your eyes.

"I'll pull him out with my feathers, then we can take your pocket knife and stab him if he fights back and doesn't comply. Sound good?" He told you, hearing his breath through the phone really made you calmer.

"Okay, sounds good." You replied.

"I'm coming outside the entrance. Is that where you are?" He asked, a bit concerned.

"Yes, I'm outside the entrance." You told him and he hug up.

You heard steps behind you and you turned around. He was there, so you he.f his hand as you saw a man struggle to stay under the car. But after a few minutes he was out from under the car. "Stay here." Hawks told you, almost demanding and you complied. "Gotcha!? You heard him say as he tried to fight back, so you saw him pluck a feather from his wings and slash him in the face. He dropped him t the alleyway behind the school and washed his hands. No blood was on it at all, so he was good. "It's taken care of. Are you okay?" He asked you as he pulled you close to him. "I don't wanna go in the car." You muffled, trying not to sob.

"We don't have to, you know?" He reassured you.

This took a turn...

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