Love is thicker than water~

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"Are you ready to do this?" He asks in a low voice, close to your skin pulling you closer. Shivers went down your spine, your mind almost going blank, well foggy at least. Making sure your composure isn't lost you look at him in the eyes and sigh, "of course I am darling~" you blushed and a look of shock appeared on his face, he didn't expect that answer but he did like it. Pulling your hips directly onto his lap he scoffed and licked his lips, "move your neck closer." He demanded. Swirling his tongue on the base of your neck, placing light kisses on your neck. Euphoria shooting down your spine, you pulled his head closer and started kissing his lips again, this time it was more passionate and felt like a breath of fresh air. The taste of his lips on yours was excellent and exciting.

He wrapped his fingers in your hair, swirling strands in between his fingers. Tugging on you hair a butler and creating knots. Taking his lips away from yours and chuckling, grasping his hands on your neck feeling you gasp to the touch. Holding your lips together you try and tackle the urge to moan that you have blossoming inside your throat and closing your thighs, despite his other hand reaching there. His other hand held onto your thigh squeezing it lightly, making you squirm.

"Are you already a mess? Thought you could hold on longer." He gazed into your eyes, talking in a shallow voice. He clicks his tongue and looks away from you for a moment, you tug his head closer giggling like a little girl. He picks you up swiftly and takes off your undergarments, you taking off his. He lays you delicately onto the bed, tracing his cold fingertips on your chest down your stomach and stopping at your pelvis when he pulls you close to him. His ice blue eyes starring into you filled with lust and passion. He slithers his hands and explores every bare inch of your body. Your stomach filled with butterflies. You tug him over to you and rest your hips on top of his lap, moving them ever so slightly. He holds your hips in place and you pout. Mad because you're not able to tease him. Pulling his hands off you and placing them on your chest, leaning in to kiss him but he declines.

"No." He says in a bitter tone, pulling your hands up, and tying them together making sure you can't do anything as you kick your legs. Pulling your hands apart from each other and using your teeth to untangle the rope that he has tied you in but to no avail. You arms were still tied together and all you could do was wait. He came right beside you, sucking on his finger and swirling it with his tongue, he placed it in your mouth making you lick it. Pushing the finger inside you watching you gasp and slightly moan in pleasure. Moving his finger and curling it inside you seeing your legs shake and your mind in a fog. Your face displayed a range of emotions. "Da-" "hmmm?" He interrupted, almost humming and pushing in another finger. You gasp and close your mouth shut, shocked at the sudden adjustment and trying not to moan, you didn't want to give in to him.

He takes his fingers out and places you back on his lap. He sits up firmly and looks at you, his ice blue eyes piercing into you. "If you want me to continue, you better beg." He demands, licking his fingers and tangling them in your (h/c) hair and pulling your head back. Kissing at your neck again and earning a slight moan that slipped from your mouth. "I can tell you're getting weaker." He whispers in your ear sending shivers down your spine. "Fine!" You yell out, giving in and a rush hitting your body as he immediately pulls you close to him and spreads your legs open forcing you to lay down. He positions himself in the middle of your legs and starts to swirl his tongue on your bud. Making you try to force your legs closed but he keeps his hand on your thighs, gripping them tightly and forcing them to stay open as he inserts his tongue into you. You moan in pleasure but quickly try and cover your mouth as he can't help but chuckle. He swirls his tongue inside you, sucking on your clit with delight as you arch your head back and let him, finally sinking in. Sweat started to coat you as your body heated up. Your mind going blank and butterflies forming yet again in your stomach.

"Good (girl/boy)." He praises. Kissing up your body to your lips and placing a faint kiss on them. "You've finally given in." He teased, smirking. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked just to make sure and you nodded your head yes. He slowly inserted his length into your opening and slowly pushed out as you gripped the sheets in delight wrapping your legs around his torso. He slowly started to pick up the pace and you could feel it peak in your stomach. Your body heated up even more and sweat stuck onto your body, the room feeling hot and foggy. You pulled your legs closer, feeling his bare chest on yours.

Soon all you could hear was skin slapping and squelching. The room foggy and hot from the body heat you two caused.

You squealed hearing the door open and seeing Hawks, forgetting he was there. He smirked, looking at the dumbfounded face of yours but Dabi couldn't care less. He looked at you and laughed asking, "Mind if I join?" He waited, for a your response. You mustered up breath to say, "Ask Dabi." You sighed, feeling defeated and mad that "the moment" was a bit ruined. Nonetheless, it didn't matter. "Fine." Dabi scoffed, inviting Hawks into bed.

Hawks picked you up and you squealed at the sudden movement, placing a kiss on your lips and biting your ear. Making you close your eyes shut and your skin crawl. Both boys sending love bites and hickeys on various portions of your body. You were placed on Hawks's lap, your legs numb from earlier. Kissing your lips and pinning you against the bed frame and you slowly getting the strength to grind up on his body.  He places his hands on your hips and stops you. Pouting he kisses your lips and places his belt on your neck, tightening it a bit and tugging it to pull you closer.

"You want to go huh kid~"

YES I LEFT IT OFF ON A CLIFFHANGER IVE BEEN WRITING SMUT FOR HOURS PLEASE. Anyways- I'm not experienced with this and I wanna cry cause it was going so well. My friend dared me to add more spice but ZIYKYKYKYK I kinda ruined it but played it off. I'm sorry😫

Love y'all
-Krow (grellbage)

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