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"Parla la gente purtroppo
Parla non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l'aria" -zitti e buoni, Måneskin

//hello everyone<3, welcome back to my story. I know I've been gone for a bit but it was a much needed break. I was stressing out what to do with this story but I think I know what to do. This story needs more development so this is what I'm doing. Hope you enjoy//

"Well, we can't stay here anymore. We need to go, or else we'll be next with whatever happened. So, any ideas here to go?" Dabi shivered, his expression gone with nothing but a poker face remaining. He scratched his scalp and looked up at Hawks, more or so for answers.

He looked at the wall, not daring to look back at Dabi unless he had a suitable answer. So another five minutes went by and his face lit up only a little bit. "I have a house about two hours away from the city and in the middle of no where. It's my parents old house, but it should be good for the three of us." He sighed, his body shaky and his legs almost refusing to stand. He was tired, exhausted even but he needed everyone left to feel safe.

You hear a meow and remember the kitten you adopted at the cat cafe a while back. Picking the cat up and holding it close. Something really wasn't right, Shigiraki loved the kitten and he was always with it. If he was safe why would he leave it?

So all three of you grabbed the food that was left, blankets, pillows and two packs of water. It should be okay for now, but you felt like you *needed* to hide and get away from everyone, especially the city.

The food that was left was two packs of unopened Cheerios, a pack and a half of cheese slices, some salami, a loaf of sourdough bread, white bread, peanut butter, pickles, sour cream, unopened pack of strawberries and blueberries, cream cheese, salt and pepper, a two liter of Mountain Dew, pancake mix, two jugs of milk and chips ahoy cookies. It wasn't a lot but it was at least something and you needed it.

At the bottom of the pantry you found a sack of potatoes, so you grabbed it and threw it in the back of the car.

Yawning, you laid you head down and slept almost the whole drive. Waking up because they stopped at a gas station to get more gas.

Taking twenty dollars from your pocket, you bought more "food" so that you wouldn't have to go out as much.

You placed a jug of iced tea, a bag of Cheetos, ham sandwiches, hard boiled eggs and whatever else you could get your hands on.

"Here, can you put this in the trunk?" You asked Dabi, running your hands over your face and rubbing your eyes. You were still a bit tired, but that should slowly go away. You had an hour left of the drive. But, you were scared to start conversation. The most you could do was just be there and listen if they said anything of importance.

It was a quiet rest of the drive, and it slowly turned darker almost every minute until the sky was a clear pitch black with a few glowing stars in the sky.

The only thing you could hear were the peepers, some birds and occasionally cicadas. But that was it, and it was so much tension.

After what felt like forever, he parked the car and ushered all of you to get out.

You walked along the rocky path of the road, hopping and avoiding the cracks like a child. Giggling while hopping along. It was a very long driveway, very old as well.

Opening the door, it squeaked very loud. And after everyone went inside you slammed it shut and locked the door.

"So, new beginnings?"

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now