Flames (2)

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"Not about to see your light
But if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like
'Till you're bleeding

Not about to see your light
And if you wanna find hell with me
I can show you what it's like

Oh yeah
More, yeah" -Mother, Danzig

"Tough time?" Dabi snickered, trying not to laugh even more as Hawks's face morphed into a frown. "Well, are we still doing the plan?"

"Mmm..." he hummed, sticking the tip of his tongue out while doing so. You noticed certain small things about him that he did. His eyes went out of focus and he was almost daydreaming for a minute, shaking his head back to reality. "Yes."

"Are you both not going to tell me what this plan is?" You looked puzzled, what the hell were they even talking about at this hour? It can't be something legal-

They both snickered to each other, "Well- you'll see." Dabi smiled, "Well it's not legal... at all. But it'll be fun. That's a hint."

You sighed, oh god. What are they getting you into this time? Maybe it would at least be some fun?

"How far away is it?" You asked, tapping the back of his shoulder. He perked up and held out his hands that had five fingers. "Five minutes?"

"Yup." He shifted back into his seat, humming to the radio. He turned the volume up a bit more, he must have liked the song. Who knew he was into glam rock?

The wind picked up, and with a roofless car, your hair flowed in the wind. It was just the right temperature, not too hot and not too cold. It was summer night after all, so it made sense why the temperature would be like that. Nonetheless, it probably would've been colder. Even in summer.

Hawks picked the speed up to fifty miles per hour, the speed limit was fifty five but barely anyone was out at this time. Probably just a couple other cars miles away from you. So you didn't need to worry about getting found out just yet. But, there was always a risk you had to take going out like this.

Oh well, it'll be fun hopefully. Raving down the silent roads with white borders and the only thing that could show a tinge of light was a few street lamps and the traffic lights that flashed. You yawned, placing on one of Dabi's spare jackets. The rimming was in gold and the jacket was a crimson almost black- color of blue, the zipper was gold as well and it had two pockets. It was quite comfy, as the weather started to shift cold quickly.

"Just like two more minutes." He yawned, turning his head to you. His ice blue eyes gazing into your soul, it was pretty hot.

"Okay, thanks for the update." You smiled lightly, picking up your phone from your pocket you looked at the time. It was three in the morning almost on the dot.

"Can you guess the time?" You asked both of them. Smiling and trying to hold in your yawn, you didn't want to seem one bit tired. Even at the time of night like this.

Hawks raised his head and looked into the the mirror. His eyes shifted to the mirror then back at the road. "Is it two in the morning?" He guessed, taking one hand off the steering wheel and parking.

"Nope, Dabi it's your turn now." You chuckled. He looked up and perched his lips.

"Let me guess... four in the morning?" He paused, he looked deep in thought for some reason. What was he thinking about?

"Close, but it's three am." You tell them, and they both gesture you to get out of the car. So you hop out and follow them.

It was very dark, but the stars shined brightly. The Aries star constellation was pretty visible as well as the Little Dipper. Walking for a few minutes they stopped, "We're here." He sighed, and smiled faintly.

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