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"I graduated at the top, I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie. So if you have a fantasy of being a queen maybe you should blow a couple bucks on me."
-The bidding, Tally Hall
Hawks was home, which was good I suppose. Something didn't feel right though. So, I decided to do a little digging. I know it's an invasion of privacy but I don't care. I'm trusting my gut because last time I didn't and I ended up here.

While he wasn't looking I took his phone and looked through this messages. I had an odd feeling about this and quickly regretted it until I found text messages to Endevour, the number one hero.

My heart sank as I read the messages. He was using us? To get a promotion. What the fuck, I trusted him. I loved him, I thought he loved me. But my eyes continued to widen at what was displayed to me on the screen. Text messages saying "Did you gain their trust?"
"Yeah, I did. Those idiots think I'm on their team. I'd never stoop so low to the levels of villains." "Good. The meeting starts on Saturday and ends Wednesday."

Did he fucking give all of our information to the god forsaken hero's? Was he just using us for his own benefit. Did Dabi know about this the entire time?

I ran to the kitchen where Hawks was talking with Dabi and tackled him to the ground, slamming his back on the wood he yelled out, "Fuck! What are you doing?" And tried his best to get up from my grasp. I didn't care and shoved his arms down to the floor. "What the fuck is wrong with you! Thinking you can get away with giving our information out the the hero's! I trusted you, I loved you. It's true isn't it!!?" I screamed, tears streaming down my face as Dabi looked at me with a face mixed with horror and despair. He ran over to me and picked me up, trying his best to separate us. But I wasn't done yet, I needed answers. And I needed them fast.

"Where is your proof dumbass! Making claims like this." He screamed at me, forcing me to look at him in the eyes. I threw the phone at him and told him to look at the texts. After he saw, he dropped the phone in horror and froze in shock. His face quickly turned to hatred and he grabbed the nearest item and hit Hawks in the head with it, at the time it was a frying pan. The hero hit the ground and later on the cold floor, as Shigiraki joined in and helped tie him up.

I ran to my room and couldn't believe this was happening. Someone pinch me! Is this just a sick dream? This has to be a prank. But it felt real, oh so terribly real. This man faked it until he could get all of the information out of us. And he did it while we didn't even notice. I felt so stupid, so idiotic, so miserable. For the first time in a while I didn't know what to do. I felt awful, my head was spinning and it wouldn't stop, I felt as if I was going to puke.

But was Hawks actually that smart and dumb at the same time to follow Endeavor's plan. I don't think he was able to.. he'd do something stupid at least. That's the hawks I know. Who was the Hawks I knew? Was it all an act?

After an hour of shock setting in, I cooled down and tried to fall asleep.

"Y/N!" Dabi yelled, tapping your shoulder trying to nudge you awake. Failing miserably as you were out cold.

"Y/N, fucking wake up! It's a dream, you're okay! You're okay." He tried to assure you. Flipping you over to try his best to get you awake, he just wanted you to wake up so he could assure you that you were okay and it wasn't real.

"W-what!" You gasped, lifting your head up and tossing the covers in shock. Immediately going to Dabi and hiding your face in his chest, crying. You where overwhelmed with emotions remembering your nightmare and you just wanted to hide from the world. In order to make sure that it was a dream you looked over to the other side and saw Hawks snoring. Smiling and crying you felt as if you were okay. It wasn't real, it was just a dream.

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