End (2)

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"You see sir a man infatued with love,
Her ardent and eager slave!
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
And lend me a more seductive tone,
A sprinkling perhaps of French cologne,
But first sir I think a shave," -Pretty Women, Sweeney Todd

"Hawks?!" You screamed, your lungs were about to give out as you ran to him and clutched his cold body in a rush. He was shivering, blood seeping from his back. His wings were gone, and you screamed bloody murder. How dare they, how dare he. You didn't understand how anyone could do this, surely you both were villains but he didn't have to come out looking like this. His face was pale and sunken in and his pulse was slowed. 'Fuck this I'm going to make sure he'll be fine,' you thought to yourself before grabbing a part of the fabric from his shirt and ripping it off, once you did that you ripped the piece of fabric into thin strips and tied them around the ends of his wings and the wind on his chest that was clearly so deep it damaged the nerve. You frowned, but fight or flight kicked in and you decided to help Dabi as well. Pulling Hawks by his shoulders, you managed to get them close enough to the point where you didn't have to run a block to check in them both.

Dabi was hurt, he coughed up blood that ran down his cheek and down his neck. There were clots that made him choke, so you dragged him up to the buildings wall and made him sit up so if he coughed he wouldn't choke.  Your fingers grasped his wrist and his pulse felt somewhat okay. So, without thinking you jumped onto the building and waved down a helicopter, grabbing their attention before realizing that there was just more hero's inside. Fuck. You were doomed, your head raced as you jumped down the building and grabbed them by the neck of their shirts. You ran with them in your hands, jumping off and on smaller buildings. Your arms were shaking and you could give out at any moment. But, you got somewhere safe, it was an abandoned barn that was dark and quiet. So you left them there before taking a quick break and catching your breath. Your breathing was rugged and heavy, your head pulsating, lungs were giving out at the amount of heavy breathing you did but.. you were alive. More alive than them but alive. At this moment you vowed revenge, one day you'd kill the heroes. Show how corrupt it was, but that was for another time.

The bleeding in Hawks's wings stopped due to the pressure, so that was a huge relief. You sighed in relief, "eh, heheh. Shit," you chuckled, you'd never forget this one for sure. If you lived. But as fast as you could try to stand up, you were out like a light. And when you woke up, it wasn't a pretty sight. Dabi was gone, and Hawks was still asleep. He was alive, but asleep.

Running back outside you saw Dabi. You ran up to him and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go. His eyes had dark shades of brown eye bags. He was tired but hugged back and pulled away for a moment, kissing you. "Are you alright?" He asked, looking deep into your eyes with a worried face. You laughed, kissing his jawline.

"I'm okay, are you alright? You were coughing up blood!" You yelled at him and he put his hand over your mouth, chuckling slightly. He pulled you close yet again and planted kisses on your forehead. He sighed, closing his eyes and rested his chin onto your shoulder.

"It's not the first time, but I'm glad you're okay. Believe me, we will all be fine. But I'm worried about him, I don't know if his wings will grow back, I don't get how it works at all but... but I just hope he'll live," he said quietly, breaking into a sob as you placed your hand into his hair, ruffling it to calm him down. But you too, we're in fear. Right now it was your job to comfort him.

//sorry this is short but the next chap will be the last and I want it to be long for you guys! Writers block is kicking my ass but here ya go loves. Love you all!//

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