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You amazing, flamboyant people are so kind with complementing my 'work' I don't know what else to call this book. So here's a chapter, inspired by yuurivoice<3

"I'm not bitter anymore,
I'm syrupy sweet,
I'll rot your teeth down to their core,
If I'm really happy." -I'm not angry anymore, paramore

Getting home was tough, because you had two children in utter disagreement not wanting to admit they were both wrong. You were wrong too for trying to make them jealous. But at least you didn't take it that far like they did. But you were driven to fix the tension. So you grabbed each of their hands and made them hold each other's hands. "Don't let go of the other persons hands, if you hold it for the rest of the way back I'll give each of you a kiss. Is that a fair deal?" You taunted and they accepted. "See, not bad at all. Both of you are doing so well. I'm proud of each of you." You praised them causing both of them to blush, but they still stay in silence.

Walking back was the longest five minutes of your life, filled with dead silence. Almost like the time you got in trouble and your parents were disappointed in you, but wouldn't say anything. It was almost like that kind of tension going on. And you couldn't stand it. "So, Dabi. Tell me what you like about Hawks. And after Dabi is done, you better do the same thing Keigo." They both looked in shock, but Hawks was feeling bittersweet about you using his real name like that.

So looking at Dabi you waited for his answer. "Well, I liked that he is one of the only people who has stuck with me even when things went rough and we were separated, we both suffered through a lot together and it was very hard to go through the same 'corporation' together. We had to do things we never even wanted to do, but apparently it was for our own good. Even when we were mad at each other I never wanted him out lol my sight." He explained, and you could see Hawks was gripping his hand tighter, it was awfully sweet of him to do that even though they were upset at each other. Hawks sighed, "My favorite thing about Dabi is his kindness and resilience, yes he can be a complete asshole but he's also the person to hold you higher than everyone else if he really cares about you and doesn't back off if someone's bothering you. He'll try his best to fix things that even he didn't cause and he's never said anything about my past if I didn't want him to." He smiled and looked over at Dabi who was almost tearing up, you thought of how refreshing that must feel to hear that a person truly cares about you.

"We were so stupid to fight over such a little thing, you know?" Dabi scoffed at Hawks. Hawks chuckles in response, "Yeah. I'm sorry, we we're stupid." "Agreed." Dabi responds. You tossed your h/c hair to the side, arriving home you had an idea.

"How about we play a game?" You suggested. And both of their faces perked up, you waited a minute before taking a breath, "So, it's kind of like manhunt, except if you find them you have to chase them until you physically can touch them. But no fighting, kicking, hitting, punching, or roughhousing. There will be one seeker, and the rest will be hiders. You have to physically touch them, but if you hurt them in any way you're out for the round. If you find one person they sit out. They cannot help find the other person." You explained, and they were in on it.

"Sounds fun, I'm in." Hawks snickered. Tossing his hair back and placing his glasses on, getting his coat back from Dabi. "Oh so you're serious now?" Dabi snorted, taking his jacket back from Hawks. At the time you didn't realize they switched jackets. "Where's my jacket?" You joked and Hawks snorted. "Sorry, there was a shortage!" He added, cleaning his glasses on his shirt and putting them on. "When we get home you should run as fast as you can, because I'm going to catch you even though it will be pitch black. I might give you a headstart to gibe your a chance. But babe, don't expect me to just let you win, no, no. I can't do that. You'll have to earn it." He boasted, his chin high and his smile shined wide. So, to tear his ego down to the normal person level you responded, "Did I ask for a head-start when we get back? No, I didn't. You think you're so tough but in reality you're just projecting your public self onto your private self. I prefer the real you better." He looked at you and giggled to himself. "I'm joking, love."

"Yes, I know you are." You declared.


Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now