Smokey Makeout~

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This will be pretty long! I hope you like it:) Don't worry I'll include both but this chapter will be mainly Dabi.
"Hey incels, just have sex (duh)
Trash on the walls
And trash on the floor
Liquid eyeliner stuck to the door" -Cigarette Ahegao (Penelope Scott)

-the next day-
It was raining all day, thunderstorms and lighting bolts erupted in the sky. Looking out the window and sighing, you didn't know what to do. There was really nothing to do. It was pouring out.

You walked back to the bed and jumped in it. Even through you weren't tired, you tried napping. Closing your eye for ten minutes didn't work. You couldn't fall asleep at all. So, you walked around to see what there was to do.

So, you walked to where Hawks was usually at and he wasn't there. Then, you walked to Dabi. He was sitting on the couch, doing nothing at all.

"Hey Dabi. Would you like to do something together." You asked him with pleading eyes.

"Well, depends on what you want to do." He replied and tapped on his lap, urging you to sit there. So you did. He was very warm, constantly. I mean it made sense because of his quirk. This man was a heater, wonder how summer feels for him.

"Why'd you want me here? I mean, not that I don't want to be here-" "Well, because I like you around, I'm sure you noticed that." He cut you off and wrapped his hands around your waist. Butterflies emerged in your stomach, and your face started to go red.

"Ha, you're cute. Flustered already?" He asked, smiling and pulling you back to him. Your back laying on his chest.

"No, no. I'm not flustered-" "yet." He cut you off again. You rolled your eyes.

"Don't play hard to get now, love. You're already all flustered over me. Maybe I have some power over you." He chuckles, and you turn around and lay your head on his chest.

He smiles. "That's my baby." You lift your head from his chest and rolled your eyes again. He pulls you up and kisses your lips. "You know you love it. Don't play smart with me." He says in almost a demanding tone. You blush heavily.

He lifts your chin up with his hand and whispers in your ear, "I have an idea."  He pushes your chin up, making you look up at him. You nods your head and comply.

"Wanna make out?" He asks politely and moves you up on his lap because you were starting to slip off. But he didn't remove his hands from your waist. So you hold onto him as well.

"Hmmm, of course love." His smiles grow wider as those words come out of your mouth.

"Love? Hah, I thought you were playing hard to get. Not anymore, hmm?" He teases you.

"Then maybe I'll take back my statement." You tease back, and his smile turns into a faint frown. He picks you up and carries you to his room.

"What are you doing?!" You ask and he doesn't answer. Kicking your legs didn't work either. He was still able to keep a grip on you.

He sat you down and smirked. You knew something was on his mind so you scooted closer to him. Putting tout hand on his chin, you yanked it closer and kissed him. He broke it off after ten seconds and licked his lips. "I have something a bit better in mind. But if you don't wanna, we don't have to baby." You smiled. This man had a way with words.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" You asked politely.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and smirked. "You smoke?" You asked him another question.

"Occasionally." He replies. "If you want me to stop I can stop." He tells you, scratching his hair.

"Hmmm... well what are the cigs-" "Maybe if you stop asking questions I would have time to explain it." He chuckles, telling you sarcastically.

"Mhm." You playfully batter. Smiling and looking away from him.

He moves you closer. "Don't look away from me now. You want me to explain, don't ya?" He shrugs, and you nod your head.

"Well, we can makeout, but I'll take a hit and blow out. You can breathe it in. I won't make you actually smoke." He presents his idea.

"It doesn't seem like a bad idea, I think I could do it." You smirk, a bit nervous at that. And he reassures you, "We don't have to do anything you don't wanna do. It's all you babe, it's all you." He comforts you.

"I can do it, love. I know you're not forcing me." You reassure him as well. And he sighs. "Okay."

You smile. He lights a cigarette and takes a hit. Grabbing your chin and pulling it closer, he exhales and you inhale. Butterflies ascend into your stomach and you smirk. "Good job babes, you did so well." He praised you.

You moved even closer and put your hands on his face, pushing his face to yours. His tongue danced around in your mouth, he was so experienced and it felt blissful.

A trail of saliva started dripping down your chin as you broke the kiss and took in some fresh air. He was so kind and passionate. You could tell this man loved you, and you loved him.

He smiled, "Maybe we should leave out the cigarettes. Want to watch (your favorite show) and just relax for a bit? How does that sound?" He kisses your cheek.

"Whatever you're feeling sweetheart." You look up at him and put your hand on his cheek.  He kisses your hand in response.

"I love you so much." He confesses. That's the first time he's really said something like that. You sure on his lap and wrap your arms and legs around him. "I love you too."

Hey. Just wanted to inform you all that I just got out of an abuive/toxic relationship and I'm feeling very good about it. The next chapter will be someone's idea of making both of them jealous. I love that idea so why not do it. I hope you enjoyed<3 love you all

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