The tables were turned

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Heyy a big thanks to the person I'm mentioning at the end! Follow them please they came up with the chapter idea♥️
"I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
With your hands between your thighs" -505, Arctic Monkeys

He smiled. "Before you weren't like this. We're you jealous about the possibility that I'd like her." He chuckled, you rolled your eyes. "Maybe a bit." You replied and held him closer to you, you should've been careful. Not so smart bringing the #2 hero to a very public place with lots of people. Was it?

"Well, when someone claims stupid things I might get a little jealous here and there. So I had to put her in her place a bit so that she can back off of someone I love." You responded and he looked at you, "I heard you call me your boyfriend earlier. But you were talking amour this guy when we just got out of the fair saying you wanted his number. We're you trying to make me jealous?" He asked, you jumped up. He knew, fuck he found out. You didn't think he'd find out so soon, but he did. "No, of course not. I just thought he'd be a good friend." You denied and he nodded his head.

"Well, I trust you then." He lied and held your hand, he was always careful with relationships. Probably cause his popularity and riches got him used or cheated on. Being rich isn't always good. He looked a bit upset. But you shrugged it off and he let go of your hand to ask you something. "Can you get some food for us? I'm a bit tired of walking." He asked you and you nodded your head, agreeing. "Of course. Be back soon."

Walking over to Dabi, Hawks went to talk to him about his recent findings. "Hey, I think y/n is trying to make us jealous, so why don't we do the same? It's fair that way." He suggested, and Dabi looked intrigued by his request. "Hmmm, I don't see why not." He nodded. And they both smiled at each other. "So, let's ignore them and find people... maybe some crazy fan. Who knows what people you'll find here." He engaged in the conversation to start their plan. "Well, we can pretend we don't know them and find someone else to "replace" them. But if it gets too far you can't blame me. You know how sometimes you take things." He added. "Okay, now to find a person." Hawks smirked.

They walked away from the area and as soon as you came back they weren't there. Lodging poutine in your hand and looking around you couldn't see them. "Maybe they went to the bathroom?" You thought to yourself. "Who knows what they're up to." You couldn't stop thinking. What if they didn't like you. Maybe they hated you. No, no. They couldn't.

So you walked around and got caught up in various crowds. It was 7pm, and they were no where in sight. You saw one of them, talking to a pretty girl and she looked interested in him. Dabi didn't look very interested but he still talked to her. You finally were able to get to him. "Hey Dabi! Babes, I brought you poutine. You guys asked for food so-" He interrupted you, "Do I know you?" He asked you, sighing and looking away from you to talk to the girl. "Oh, I see." You walked off to find Hawks. A bit sad.

Where are you? I can't find
you anywhere and I'm getting worried.

Sorry, do I know you?
I think you have the wrong number.

Huh?! Hawks, actually Keigo.
You know it's me, y/n. Why are
both of you acting like this!?
I just went to get food like you asked!

Sorry, but I never asked anyone for food.
Are you okay? I think you might need help if you're
thinking that.

seen 7:07pm

Fuck, what's up with them!? Acting like they don't know me. Is this some sort of joke? Please tell me this is a joke. Because it's not funny. Jeez, maybe I'll go up to him?

Walking up to him he asked you, "Do you need help? Because I don't think I know you..." your heart sank. How could he do this? You've been living with them for months, more than half a year. What sick person did he have to be. "Ah, sorry. Can I sit by you? I'm feel8ng a bit dizzy." You replied. "Of course. Just don't be weird like other people, please." He looked at you but it want the look he used to give you, it was cold. "Oh, uh of course." You added.

He smiled and sat there, Dabi walked up to him with the girl and held her hand. You were beyond furious. But you sat there, trying your best to act calm to see what they'd do. "Hey, I found this wonderful lady, she's sweet maybe we should keep her." He told Hawks. You rolled your eyes. And Dabi gave you a taunting look. "Wake up, wake up y/n. This can't be real. No, it can't." You thought to yourself. But no. This wasn't a dream, it felt so real yet surreal.

"Okay where's my 20$? I did the thing you asked. Can I go?" She asked. Dabi gave her the ,only and she walked off. "What the fuck!?" You yelled and he looked over at you. "Babes, I'm so so sorry. I hope you can for-" "No! I need you to explain what the he'll you were doing! Pretending you don't know me? So did Hawks! Do you guys not care about me!" You screamed. "Shhh, shhh doll, this was a joke. You did the same thing to Hawks earlier. didn't you?" He taunted, you were furious. "Fuck you, I didn't do all this!" You started to cry, and Hawks rushed over to you.

"No, no, please don't cry. I crumble completely when you cry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I went way too far." He apologized and you put your hand over his mouth. "It's, it's fine.." you sighed. "See, you always make things go too far. Bad idea, I just went along with it." He tried to hold your hand but you slapped it away, "Don't just blame him! You did something  just as bad. And you're at blame for that." You yelled, and everyone sat in silence.

"Let's go home..."

TWO CHAPTERS YOOOOO! Y'all are eating good😍 I'm proud of me. Thanks for supporting me and the chapter idea goes to: LillyannaKobis

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