Darkness and Adventrue

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"Don't be nervous
No, don't be nervous
I'm not like other guys who have a surface
What you girls really need's a soft, fuzzy man
(An atmospheric man)
A shimmering puff of indistinct love
What's better than the vague embrace of a soft, fuzzy man?" -Soft Fuzzy man, Lemon Demon

His tired eyes looked down at yours, yawning he advised, "We should probably start walking back now, ya know? Get some shut eye."

You carefully stomped out of the water, taking a spare towel and rubbing it all throughout your hair then drying off your body. "That's probably a good idea Keigo, I'm cold and damp from the lake. We don't want to get sick, and it's very late. Like, really late." You responded, rubbing the water off your arms.

Your eyes widened as you realized that Dabi was probably still in the water. Running back over to the shore, barefoot, cutting your soles on some rocks along the way. You yelled, "Dabi! Come on, let's go back now!"

You could barely see anything, it was as if black smog covered your vision. Well, it was late after all. What did you expect? The sun to be glimmering? Yeah, no. But, maybe you could've seen a bit more. It was no use since your light source was out.

After a minute you could hear splashing from not too far away. There, soaking wet, was Dabi. His hair fell flat and he dripped black pigment. But, you couldn't even see that.

Grabbing his hand, you ran back to Keigo as fast as you could. It only took a minute or too, but being so tired it felt like forever. Your eyes started to droop down, and your head rolling back. That was an even bigger sign to go home.

"Sorry I kept both of you waiting, I didn't realize you left." He spluttered, rubbing the back of his head. He yawned, placing his hands at his mouth while doing so.

Yawning in response you chuckled, "Come on, both of you. Do I have to drag you by your hair?"

He shifted his head towards yours, sighing and holding back his laugh. He didn't want to laugh at you... yet. He just wanted to more or so humor you. With a long pause, a very long pause he opened his mouth and thundered, "Kinky." Which immediately made Keigo laugh, so much he almost pissed himself. Which would be even funnier considering he is an adult.

Your eyebrows lowered and you let out a huge yawn. You weren't going to wait for them and their nonsense, it was utterly pointless. So you gave them one final glare, though they couldn't see it and walked away.

Heading home, you could hear the crunching of the leaves and rocks your feet were stomping on. It hurt, especially when the rocks had more texture to them, or the ones that were almost razor sharp. It hurt, but you didn't feel like stopping to check if you really hurt yourself.

Finally, you reached the front porch of the house. The only reason you weren't lost was because you left the orange tinted lights on at the front, there was even fairy lights, though they were tangled and looked almost like spider webs. There were quite a few cobwebs strung on the outside corners of the house as well. Moss was dangling off the roof and vines wrapped around the poles. It didn't look that good, but it wasn't as bad as the inside of the house.

Thankfully, the door was unlocked and you slammed it open, muttering and cursing after each step. After every single step that followed you, behind was footprints and little dots printed into the creaky wood floors, they were red. It wasn't kool aid, you weren't in Jonestown so there's no way it could have been stupid kool aid. Plus, the smell was awfully metallic. It was blood, the sticky red substance, it was a bit thicker than water, and it was harder to remove than you'd think for a liquid. Actually, a bodily fluid.

You froze in silence, not for any reason really. Sitting down on the cold floor, blood dripping from your soles that felt like stepping in muddy puddles. You picked up your right leg, looking at the soles covered in red. Getting back up, the room spun and you felt light headed. Being tired and losing blood wasn't a good match.

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now