"I hope that we never die"

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"And the way they dance is crazy, I have never seen this shit
And the strobe light's way too hot, so let's get this over with
She says, "Your lips tasted like they did way back in July"
Headaches and overdose, I hope that we never die
October's always here, November's never leaves, December disappears"
-Beachboy, McCafferty

"I don't fucking know if this is a trap, y/n. We need to be careful." Dabi sighed, gripping your hand tighter letting his fingers clasp around your fingers.

"How did you even find us in the first place?" You ask, trying not to look Aizawa in the eyes. You didn't want to not be able to use your quirk, so you kept your head down.

"Your father told us, saying that you were in danger. But as of now I see that isn't true." He chuckles, tying his hair up in a low bun and he decides to sit down near Hawks.

"Now, what are *you* doing near the villains Hawks, aren't you a pro hero?" He asks, looking up at Hawks with an intense glare.

"Didn't I already answer that?" He winced, feeling guilty. He was shaking, more than you've ever seen him shake. You reached out for his hand.

"Kei, are you okay?" You ask nervously, feeling upset that he looked so ill.

He glares at you in shock, his eyes wide. He whispers as quietly as he can, "Don't mention my name, they *do not* know my real name."

"Fuck, oh god." You thought, you didn't mean to make him even more upset.

"They're going to revoke my hero license, that means I won't be able to support them, I won't be good enough." He thought to himself, pacing back in thoughts.

You sat there, in silence. It was about five minutes but it felt like hours. All you could hear was the rustling of trees in the background. There's going to be a storm soon...

"We need to head inside, the sky is turning gray in color. And the clouds are appearing, we're going to get poured on if we don't head inside. Eraser, would you please leave. We can schedule something later." You plead, just wanting to get back inside.

He agreed, thankfully and walked back. You offered to drive him but he declined.

You walked back inside, and as soon as everyone got inside you realized that Shigiraki, Twice, Toga, Kuriguri and the rest of the LOV were gone.

"Dabi! Hawks! We have a problem!" You screamed.

//I hope you liked this chapter, also if you have seen my old wattpadd comments I apologize. Especially the Harry Potter ones, won't go into detail but sometimes English class with my friends Aaidan and Kaitlyn were chaotic as fuck.

So, I am very embarrassed of those. And to true people who comment "LMAOOO" or "Hawks is this tall!" "That isn't how the anime is." And all that shit please shut up. I know you're voicing your opinion but sometimes your opinion doesn't matter. This is an AU (alternate universe) so the storyline will be a bit different than usual. Like the villain hawks thing,, that's just what is in my story and if you don't like it please don't bother reading it.

Thank you all for the amount of support I've received over the past months! I didn't think  anyone would read this so I was shocked when it hit 1k on my 5th chapter. And we're almost at 50k by the time I'm writing this. :') gosh it's a lot.

So I would like to thank Aaidan, Kaitlyn, Sofia, River and Cypher for sticking with me.

And I'm dedicating this chapter to all of the people who read this fanfic. I'll be sure to make a longer chapter next

-Michealis (grellbage)

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