Morning to you two

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This chapter will involve some smut, so I will put a warning- happy reading thank you for reading this book, it means a lot to me. I'm ready to write as of I'm a bit sick right now and have nothing better to do and my mother isn't taking me to the ER where I need to be. So I'll try my best<3

"Ugh" I tried to stretch, waking up realizing I was still in the same bed as Hawks and Dabi. Shit- I thought it was just a dream or hallucination... Well, I'll have to move out. As I tried desperately to wiggle my way out of the grasp of two strong, grown men. As I sat up I felt two arms grasp over my waist. I turned to my right and saw the blonde, bird man cling onto me. I looked outside and it was still dark out. Thinking if I should go back to bed. As I slid my way back I heard Hawks mumble, "D-don't go, please." He almost whimpered, clinging onto me tighter. What has he gone through? I feel like there's something he hasn't told me.  (A/N some people forget that Hawks has gone through really bad things, and has awful trauma from the "hero course" it's very heartbreaking but people tend to look past it)

3rd person POV
As he clung to you all night long, you rested your head on Dabi's chest, shocked to hear that it sounded like fire cackling, why was that? You thought to yourself. You were ith Bakugo who has an explosion quirk but he never quite sounded like that. It's was soothing, in a way you didn't understand. Almost like the fire had been burning for a long time. You slowly fell back asleep on his chest while arms were still wrapped around your waist. 

Back to your POV
As I woke up, Dabi was gone but Hawks was still there, trying not to wake him up I started shifting out of bed. He immediately perked up once you get out of his grasp, scratching his scalp. He stretched his arms out and yawned. "Morning y/n, how'd ya sleep?" He asked still a bit drowsy. "I slept good, although you did keep clinging to me." I admitted, looking up at him. His smile started to droop and he laughed it off. "Old habits still stuck with me, I guess." He said, staring blankly at the wall. I decided to change the topic. "So, where's bacon bitch?" I asked, giggling lightly. A huge smile appeared on his face as he laughed, "Fixing his staples! Some fell off!" He couldn't stop cackling. I started to laugh as he laughed, wiping a tear from my eye, "Why doesn't he get permanent ones! You know instead of a regular stapler!" Hawks stopped laughing once Dabi entered the room.

He groaned and I started to go red as I realized he didn't have a shirt on... then I turned to hawks and he was in his boxers. Oh shit, how did I not realize this. "Are you okay, you look fevered." Dabi asked in a low grumble which made me blush harder. "You idiot, they obviously are flustered." Hawks nudged him. "Uhhh- I plead the fifth." I replied, giggling like a child. "Hmmm... I've got an idea!" Hawks smirked, looking at Dabi. "I don't have time for this I need to shower." I replied, standing up and waking off when Dabi pulled me aside. "Can I come with." He smirked, placing me on his lap. Hawks pouted like a child "Nuh uh! Only if I get to join!" He buried his face into one of the pillows. "Hmmm... give me a minute." I said, ruffling through clothes realizing I didn't have any. "Here." Hawks said, giving me a hoodie and some shorts. I knew the shorts wouldn't fit me but I thanked him anyways.

"You guys going to join or just stand there." I starred at them, they both exchanged the same look then followed. I didn't know what was going on in their minds but it couldn't be anything bad. So, like usual I turned on the shower water, and started to undress from my clothes. Once I undressed, I completely forgot that there were other people in the same room as me and I could feel my face getting red, very red. Embarrassment struck me as sharp as a knife, and it hurt. When I looked up I noticed that they were also naked, well obviously but it's not every day two devishly handsome men undress in front of you. This was an opportunity I would not miss! Get it together y/n, you're good enough. "So, shall we go inside?" I asked them as I felt the water, warm on my fingertips. I held out my hands and pulled them inside, soaking my h/c hair in the warm water. Trying not to look as I felt two hands pull me to their chest, it was Hawks that damn blonde. It felt nice to be embraced, even if it was embarrassing. "I hope you don't mind." He swiftly said, pulling me closer. I turned and massaged his scalp, earning a satisfied groan. It was hot. Dabi groaned and put body wash in the palm of his hand and started to massage my body, tingles and goosebumps shot up my spine and euphoria hit me.

I enjoyed it quite a bit, letting him massage my body thoroughly. As he finished the goosebumps stayed on my body. Hawks, holding me close after he was finished and I buried my head into his chest. It was warm, I could feel the water run down my back and another set of hands place on my body. Of course I enjoyed it. It was soothing, something you couldn't get at a spa or even pay for. It was something that lasted longer.

It's sexy time😼

I felt cold fingers on my skin caress me and pull me close, then twirl me around and pin me against the cold shower tiles. I knew what was going to happen, yet I wasn't prepared. It wasn't a shock, but I didn't expect that much of a show from Dabi. He pressed his lips against mine and began kissing me softly, then slipping his tongue in and exchanging saliva. He broke the kiss and exhaled, almost gasping then he started to blush profusely. It was cute, no it was attractive. Very attractive. He began kissing me again but rougher, as our teeth clashed in a hungry frenzy. He lifted my legs up and slid his cock inside my vulva slowly and started moving his hips. I tried my best not to moan but shortly I gave in as he picked up the pace. "Ah~ D-Dabi." I moaned, forgetting that Hawks was even there. He went faster and I moaned louder, euphoria hitting me and the stress released from my body. As he went faster my nails dug into his back as he flinched in shock, not stopping. It felt so amazing.

Once he came I let out a sigh as he dropped me down and Hawks picked me up. My legs already shaking, barely holding themselves together as he smiled and kissed me lightly, a quick peck on the lips. His cheeks flushed red and he kept on carrying me, just kissing me. That's all it took for my mind to go blank. He was so amazingly attractive in every way, shape and form. I just wanted to hold him forever, and get caught up in his embrace cause it was warm. Once he stopped kissing me he lightly stroked my body, cleaning me as I did the same and we hopped out of the shower.

Sexy time is over

I dryer off Dabi's skin, patting it to make sure I didn't hurt his burns or reopen any wounds. Hawks was shaking his feathers, water flying everywhere once he dried himself off. I placed on Hawks's maroon sweater that matched his wings, that was way too big for me, and Toga's shorts, that barely were shorts even.

I went outside and felt the cool breeze hit my skin hearing from a distance. "Hello daughter/son."

AHHHH THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE I HOOE YOU ENJOYED ITTT! I'm going to head to bed:) night fellow Simps

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