Oh, I know.

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Hihi! It's so weird to see how many people love this story. And by a very nice request we have this chapter! So thank you:) if I can find your comment I'll mention you after the chapter.
"I don't fucking know if it's a lie or it's a fact
All your little fake friends will sell your secrets for some cash
Smile in my face, then put your cig' out on my back
If you ever see me, just get to runnin' like The Flash" -Transparent soul, Willow Smith

I'm coming home soon.
Had to go to a meeting and get
groceries. There's nothing to eat here
because no one got groceries.

Okay, look forward to seeing
you soon, also you could've
told me that there wasn't any groceries.
I would've got them dumbass.

I know, I know.
You've already done a lot for
us here so I want you to relax.
Go do something with Dabi.

But I am, I'm with him right
now. You want proof or something?

Yes, I want proof.

*sends image*
There you go.

Looking at Dabi, you had an idea. You wanted to have some fun today. So why not go out somewhere? But... what if you made them both jealous and see what they'd do. You guys weren't official yet, but you wouldn't do anything too extreme, or would you? No, no. So.. where though? Online you saw that the fair started for the summer. The fair sounds nice, and people would be there.

"Hey Dabi. Wanna go to the fair, with Hawks too of course." You asked him nicely, scratching your scalp and moving even closer too him. It would be very tempting, so how could he refuse? He looked at you in your eyes, looked back and paused. "Of course." He squeezed your hand.

You smiled at him and bursting in the door was Hawks. "Hey! Not trying to ruin y'all's moment but, I need help unloading groceries." You jumped out of bed. Walking outside and opening the trunk of the car, you moved the groceries inside. You tsp his shoulder. "Can't you use your quirk to help unload groceries?" You questioned, and he had a look of shock oh his face. "Shit! You're right!" He realized and used his feathers to help unload more groceries. Helped a lot because you were done a few minutes later.

Sitting back down, you asked him the same question and he agreed. Everything goes according to plan. "So, 6pm? Sound good?" You made sure. And they nodded. It felt bad to do something like this, but maybe it'd be fun.

Grabbing a towel, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, a wash cloth, toothpaste, a razor (optional), skincare products like primer, lotion, face wash, a face mask, body butter, moisturizer, and whatever else you desired. And maybe even a bit of makeup, like some bb cream, mascara, highlighter, lip balm, eyeliner and eyeshadow (all of the makeup is optional <3)

Turning on the shower and sitting down on the bathroom floor, you placed your towel down and your baiting products right on the ledge of the shower. It took about five minutes to heat up, and just to make sure you placed your hand in the shower to make sure it was the temperature you wanted. It was 4pm, you had a good two hours to look as stunning as you wanted to. You'd do whatever you pleased, and at this time that's what you wanted.

Removing your clothes and placing them on the bathroom floor, you stepped into the shower and ran your fingers through your hair. Soaking it in the water and feeling the warm water drip off of your body. Grabbing the shampoo and adding about a quarter to your palm and lathering it all over your hands before massaging it into your scalp. Letting it lather into your hair and sit for two minutes, then placing your head back into the water to remove the excess. You did the same thing with conditioner. And once you were done with body wash you turned off the shower and grabbed your towel, drying your hair then your body.

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now