Cat cafe part two~

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Hello everyone! I can't believe that 35k people have read this even though it started out as a joke. But I want to be more dedicated and serious with this, so I'm going to try and write a longer chapter. I'm going to be dead serious and let you know that I don't have a script😐
Thank you for all the love and support
"You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste."
-New perspective (P!ATD)

You hold his hand tightly and lead him to the kittens. He nods and you let go to marvel at a beautiful tuxedo kitten that's rubbing up on your legs. You pick the kitten up and it falls asleep in your arms. Looking up at Dabi with pleading eyes you ask, "Can I keep it?"

"Babes, you just met the cat. We might be able to get one but you need to spend more than two minutes with a cat to decide." He chuckles and pets the cat in your arms.

But you were persistent, you knew you wanted the cat in your arms. And no matter how long it will take you will get the damn kitten. So you spent more time with other cats, but none of them gave you the same spark as the small tuxedo kitten. So you picked the cat back up and you looked at the collar. The cats name was Hades and it was a boy. "Ah,so you're a boy!" You look fascinated with the realization of the cats name and gender.

After an hour at the cafe you run to dabi and see him playing with the older cats. You blush and your smile grows wider. "Hey Dabi! Can we get him? Please.." you ask him again.

He walks out the room and meets with you. "Are you completely sure you want that one?" He asks you politely. "Yes! I'm sure." You respond handing him the cat. He holds the cat and it purrs in his arms. The kitten was so small it fit in his hands. He smiled and said, "Yeah, I want him too."

You walk up to the owner of the cat cafe and ask if the cats up for adoption. She nods, "Yes he is, a day ago he was approved for adoption! He's 20$ since he's blind in one eye." She points to his other eye which is white. And you look up to Dabi just to make sure and he nods back.

You return home with the kitten and immediately Shigiraki picks him up and takes the cat away with him. You laugh and sit down on the couch, falling asleep.

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