You wanna go

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BEHAHHA THE TITLE IS SO FKN FUNNY TO ME- AnYwAySsS uhhhmmm- I'm tortured with smut again FOR YOUR PLEASURE! I don't mind it, but it sucks to write so I'm gonna wrap it up cause I want the story to move along- 😃✋🏻 I love you all but I can't keep doing this- so I guess I'll just suffer a bit more. ENJOY HORNY MFERS

"You wanna go huh kid~" he pulled the belt that was attached to your neck closer, kissing your lips and looking at your disheveled hair and body covered with marks. You were starting to get a bit tired as this is the longest you've gone, and you doubt you'd last any longer. But you decided to nod, as it didn't matter if you were tired, you still wanted him close to you.

"Ah, well shit babes. I don't think you can last much longer." He said, it was as if he'd read your mind, which was mildly shocking. But alas he was true.

He gave you a kiss on the cheek then picked you up. He motioned for Dabi to come with and placed you in the bathtub. At the time you thought he was doing something stupid, but then realized as he took the belt off your neck it was something less sinister than usual.

The tub filled with warm water and soap bubbles marveling at the top of the tub. And it glimmered and shimmered lightly looking delightful. Unsurprisingly only two of you could fit, so who'd get in the tub? You looked around and thought to yourself who you'd rather have but couldn't choose. You were sitting in the warm water, barely able to fill your legs and shooed the bird away. "Shoo! Come on go, let me have me time bird-" you yelled, scarring him away and sitting in the tub with Dabi.

You looked tired, exhausted from before. Trying to shift your legs to see if you could still feel them and you barely could. Covered in love bites and hockey's that stung on your neck and thighs, you lightly tried to wash yourself making sure not to leave any wounds unclean. But you could barely sit, so it was challenging trying to reach all of the areas of your body.

A bit later you were pulled out of the tub and dried. Not being able to dress yourself since you were still shaking you made Dabi do it for you. "Y/N you're a strong person, you should be able to dress yourself like any 6 year old. I don't have to do it for you." He explained, knowing that you weren't able to and giving a slight smirk. "Fuck off Dabi! You know I can barely move cause of you, now I'm your responsibility and you have to take care off me jackass." You shrugged, going on a tangent about how it was his fault and he should be able to do a simple thing as to dress you because you couldn't.

"Fine, scoot yourself over." He sighed, giving in and grabbing you clothes to wear. He just picked out one of his hoodies that smelled of a campfire and some shorts. He made you raise your arms and laughed at the fact it looked like a toddler needed help pulling over their shirt. He was finally able to get the sweatshirt over your head and he maneuvered your arms to fit through the sleeves. Lifting up your legs he put on some gym shorts, two legs at a time and nearly making you fall over.

Once you were changed he carried you to get food. Your stomach was growling as you haven't had anything to eat for hours. Thinking of what you wanted to eat you decided on quesadillas. Sitting on a chair you pulled out the tortillas, butter, cheese, ham (sorry to the non meat eaters) and a pan.

Putting the pan on the stove and placing the butter in as it sizzled, you grated the cheese and placed it in tortillas with slices of ham and you placed it in with the butter and waited for it to reach a golden brown.

You carefully flipped the tortilla with a spatula, making sure it reached a golden brown and waited for the other side to reach a golden brown.

Once it did you made two more, expecting them to be hungry too. You finished by cutting them up into slices and putting sour cream on the side, garnishing some salt on top and chives in the sour cream.

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