Flames (1)

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"This is a love song for a girl
Who will never know it's about her
Know it's pretty stupid
But I'm much too shy to tell her
She's beaming that smile all the while
I'm all tripped up on my own throat
I guess there is no hope" -Looking out for you, Joy Again

"Hey, Hawks. Pull over I have an idea." Dabi beamed, his smile going from ear to ear as his skin fe.t cold in the wind. It was a nice feeling, it wasn't too cold. It didn't make you shiver, it was just cold enough to cool the adrenaline off a bit. You never thought a year or two ago that you'd be doing petty crimes with a spy and a villain that your father specifically told you not to go near. Who gives a fuck anymore? All three of you had nothing to lose, you were in the middle of no where but you felt so free. More free than ever.

"What's you have in mind this time?" Hawks rolled his eyes, laughing softly. It seems like they've already caused a lot of mischief, so maybe Hawks was onto something. They probably knew each other for a very long time. You could tell, they had a bond unlike any you've ever seen. They were like best friends in a romantic way, yeah they acted like best friends but they'd make our occasionally. Maybe that's a thing best friends do?

"Well, you're going to hate it but-" he paused, trying his best not to laugh, this was serious. Maybe not, but he made it seem that way. He pulled his window up so he could hear him, and continued, "Wouldn't a little arson be fun? I mean, we haven't done anything like that since we were teens." He smiled. Glancing over at Hawks in an almost pleading way.

He sighed and nodded his head, in a guilty way. Sighing and handing Dabi the aux cord. "Thank you." He smirked, plugging his phone into the cord and opening up a playlist on Spotify. You couldn't catch the name of it but classic rock started blaring out the speakers. The first song called "Creatures of The Night" started playing. It oddly fit with the car ride in the middle of the night. "Searching in the darkness, running from the day. Hiding from tomorrow, nothing left to say." It fit Dabi, lie, this song was made for him. He was definitely a night owl, or as the band KISS would say: a creature of the night.

The next song played. It was called "Burn in Hell" by Twisted sister. As the song played, the car stopped to get gas. Filling up the tank, you offered for Dabi to come inside with you. "Want to get slushees?" You asked, pulling at his arm. You didn't give him much of a choice, really. And he nodded his head walking in.

It was a bit funny actually, a mother clutching her kid to the side whispering, "This is why you listen to mommy, you don't want to end up like a freak do you?" Her kid gasped and shook his head. It was awfully rude. So, walking up to her you replied, "Are you talking bout his scars?" you asked, looking down at the short woman. "Yes, why are you even near someone like that?" She yelled, making more of a scene. "Why wouldn't I be with my boyfriend. Plus, those are burn marks. Mind you're business next time. Maybe it'll do you some good." You snapped back, walking to the side of him.

"So, which flavor are you thinking of?" You asked, your eyes drifting to the twelve flavors before you. There was lime, strawberry, cherry, blue raspberry, orange, grape, cola, raspberry, blue coconut, grape and lemonade.

"I'm thinking of something more than just one flavor." He smirked, grabbing a medium sized cup. He fillled the bottom with blue raspberry about 1/3 full, then added a third of lime and on top added cherry. "Look, it's a rocket pop!"

He took a sip of it and overdramatized how good it was. You picked up a cup and poured in your favorite flavor, offering him some. He took a small sip and then offered you a sip which you took. It was pretty good.

"What flavor would Hawks like?" You asked, looking up at Dabi.

"Hmm... maybe cherry?" He replied as you read his lips. You walked around the store to see if there was anything else you could get, but you didn't.

You picked up your phone and texted Hawks.

What flavor slushee do you want? Dabi said maybe cherry?

Cherry sounds wonderful at the moment, I'm waiting in the car. Don't take up too much time, there's still things I'd like to do tonight.

Okay great, see you soon.

Putting down your phone you walked back over to Dabi, "He'd like cherry." You told him. He went and grabbed another cup and started to fill it. Paying and walking out the store, he hands him the slushee and drives off into the darkness.

"So what's the plan, Stan?" Dabi asked, chuckling to himself. He ran his fingers through his knotted hair and looked over at him, awaiting an answer.

He looked back over, taking a sharp turn that was so sharp in fact it moved all three of you over to the left side just a bit. "You know the plan." He teased, driving a few miles faster. "You already said the plan."

"Ohhhh, so you agree?" He smiled. His voice gravelly and rough. Tightening his seatbelt, he rested back in his seat. "I'll agree just this once." Hawks replied, rolling his eyes into the back of his head. Maybe if he let them sit for just a little longer they'd get stuck there.

Wait. The cat! You forgot to feed the cat! A wave of anxiety washed over you as you opened your lips, "Uh- I forgot to feed our cat.." you shook.

It wouldn't be that big of a deal since he ate just this morning. But, he would go berserk. "We're actually five minutes from home, I'll go and get him some food and water." Hawks replied, turning the car slowly and about three minutes later leaving the car and walking inside. About a few minutes later he went back into the car. His hands were all scratched, and claw marks were on his legs.

"Tough time?" Dabi snickered, trying not to laugh even more as Hawks's face morphed into a frown. "Well, are we still doing the plan?"

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now