But We're Not Complicated

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Sorry it took so long my fucking ed is ruining everything. I'm trying to overcome it but I can't. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this! It should be a silly chapter.
"Have you ever been to a birthday
Party for children?
And one of the children
Won't stop screaming
'Cause he's just a little
Attention attractor
When he grows up
To be a comic or actor
He'll be rewarded
For never maturing
For never understanding
Or learning
That every day
Can't be about him
There's other people
You selfish ass hole" -Art is dead, Bo Burnham

Waking up, it was terribly cold out. Fuck, did I fall asleep outside with Dabi? You felt the ground around you, it was grass. The breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the leaves drifted to the ground. Dabi fell asleep a few feet away from you, so you crawled over to him and hugged him close. He was so warm it was really comforting, sometimes fire quirks are good, but where did the fire come from? His lungs, heart, stomach? Who knows, but you didn't feel like asking. He was out cold, more or so hot. (BAHHAHAHA SORRY SORRY)

But still, you couldn't fall asleep. Even when you had him around you, and warmth. You were comfortable but something felt odd, so you left him outside, not wanting to wake him up and you went into Hawks's room. Accidentally waking him up with the creepy floorboards, "What are you doing up still? It's 4am." He asks, rubbing his eyes, half asleep. "Couldn't sleep so I went outside with Dabi and he's asleep in the backyard." You responded and he lifted the covers up, inviting you in. "Thank you." You told him and he fell back asleep. It was much more comfortable. He wrapped you with his maroon colored wings, in his sleep and you couldn't get out. But that was okay, it was quite nice.

You woke up to Hawks snoring while laying on his back, his wings laid out flat and big, you got out of bed so you didn't crush one of his wings, that'd be awful. It was 5 am, you still barely got any sleep so you went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was no water in the filter so you filled it up and poured tap water with a single ice cube into your glass. Sighing, you lifted your hand towards your mouth and took a sip. It was barely cold, with about two drops of condensation on the outside but at least it wasn't completely room temperature. Look on the bright side of things, right?

You tiptoed outside and tried not to step on certain wood boards to make noise, the creaking floorboards were difficult to adapt to but you did after a few months, knowing what place to step. Opening the door, you ran to the backyard making sure Dabi was still there, it had only been an hour at most. But he tapped your shoulder at the front, shit. You forgot it rained for a brief moment and he was soaked and shivering.

"Did you forget about me, doll?" He teased, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He lifted off his damp shirt that was awfully cold and he threw it on the floor. Shaking his head like a dog and getting water splashed all over you. "Thank you for the wake up, didn't know I needed that this early morning." You joked, grabbing his shirt off the ground and pulling him inside. He started to laugh but you covered his mouth and shhhh'd him. "We don't want to wake up Shigiraki, he's sleeping with the cat and he'll kill us." You whispered, trying your best not to giggle but having a laugh escape every once in a while. "So much for quiet." He whispered back and you took your elbow and rammed the side of his stomach. "Fuck!" He yelled out, and you covered his mouth, almost slapping him.

You gave him a towel, and searched through his drawers for some regular clothes. "Leather jacket, burned t-shirt, another burned t-shirt, khakis, oooh! Sweatpants. Good start, okay we found a good t-shirt." You threw the clothes at him. "Also, you should throw your other t-shirts away and we can go shopping tomorrow. But on a low profile, k?" You scolded him. Most of his clothes were burned and you wondered why. But it wasn't any of your business, so you overlooked it for now.

You went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, making the water pretty warm so he would stop shivering. You regretted leaving him out there, but why would he stay inside? It's almost like he knew you were going to come back out. Weird. Once it was warm enough you shoved him inside the bathroom and closed the door.

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now