A night on the town!

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HEYYYY YALLLLLL! uhhhh soooo I'm gonna try and make longer chapters😍‼️ so enjoy this. I love all of you and your weird ass reading lists💕💍

"(You want an annual pass)
Du willst eine Jahreskarte
(You want a ring on your finger)
Du willst einen Ring am Finger
(A rubber hand in yours)
Eine Gummihand in deiner
(Chained and forever)
Festgekettet und für immer" -pisse fahrradsattle

You wake up on the couch with a bit of drool as residue from your nap. You needed it, you were tired. And everyone could tell. Walking up to the kitchen you grab a glass of water as hawks chuckles, "How was your nap? I bet it was really nice." He joked as he looked right into your groggy eyes. You give him the middle finger and walk off, going outside and as you check it's night out. But when you got home last night it was night already.

You shuffle your feet back up to Hawks and frown, "What day is it?" you ask as you go up and hug him, you haven't really seen him in a long time. He's been really busy with "hero work" and it's made you a bit upset not seeing him as often as you used to. Before he can answer you sigh. "I missed hugging you. We should go out again." You say and his frown turns into a smile. "I'd like that, and oh by the way you slept a whole day." He replies.

You look in horror and fail to realize that you needed sleep that much. "I did!?" You yelled and he covers your mouth. "Shhh! Not so loud it's 3am! Everyone is sleeping right now." He cuts you off. You quickly close your mouth and whisper a faint sorry. He nods and takes you hand to lead you outside. Once you get outside he pulls out a box from his coat and gives it to you. "Here, I want you to have this." He smiles. You open the box and see a beautiful necklace with a maroon feather attached to it. You place the necklace on and smile. Going up to him and kissing his lips. You break the kiss, "You know, it's not only a necklace. I'll be able to tell where you are at all times. But tuck it into your clothes when you're out in public. I don't want it to get stolen." He tells you and you nod, "Thank you!" You happily tell him and he kisses your cheek.

You lay outside with him for a while, it seemed like a few minutes but the sun was already starting to come up. So you both went back inside and he grabbed a cup of coffee. You guys just enjoyed each other's presence as watching tv till everyone else woke up.

You decided that you wanted the three of you to go out a night on the town so you got dressed and headed outside to meet Dabi while hawks was still getting ready. So you gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him how he looked, "Dabi, babe. You look very handsome today." You told him and he pulled you closer. He smiled, "Says the most gorgeous person I know." You blush and look away from him, embarrassed.

A few minutes later hawks joins you and he offers for you to fly with him. You've never really been in the air like that before and being curious, you say yes. He picks you up and lifts you high up the air, then he throws you up higher in the air and let's go. He swoops you in after and you scream, begging to get back on the ground. He places you back in the ground and you run to Dabi shaking, "That was fucking scary! You're insane Hawks!" You yell and he laughs. "I was just playing baby! Come back." He begs.

You go back to him and scold him. Telling him not to do that again, then giving him a kiss on his lips. Dabi frowns, "Where's my kiss?" He asks and you go over to him and give him a kiss. "You know you don't have to just kiss me! You guys have each other too! Go kiss each other you gay idiots!" You yell and they blush. Hawks goes over to Dabi and gives him a kiss on the cheek, before Dabi shoves him off and chuckles. You grab one of Dabis hands and one of Hawks's hands. Walking into town.

About thirty minutes later you were in town, the lights on and the sky was dark. Dabi and hawks sit down while you go up to a boba place and order a few drinks. Stepping up, you started to get a weird feeling as you were walking to the boba place. A man walks up to you and asks to buy you the drinks you want. "No thank you!" You replied to his kind gesture. He started to get a bit mad and said, "Well, why can't I buy you a drink! I'm being nice to you here so just let me buy it for you while you sit your pretty little self outside." He got a bit hands and you slapped your hands away from him. "Again, no thank you." You kindly responded.

Remembering you had the necklace you each out to it and pull on the feather. The man tried his best to corner you but Dabi and Hawks were right behind him and they pried his hands off of you. "So you're a weak person who needs not one but two men to pry me off you! What a weak little prick." He spat. "Shut your mouth before I cook you alive." Dabi threatened. He kicked at the two men trying to get away from them before they take him away. You hear a scream in the distance and don't ever see the man again after that. When they come back you don't dare ask what happened to the man. But he deserved it, he could have killed you or slipped a roofie in your drink. He could have done even worse but you didn't want to think about it, you were still going to have fun tonight.

So you gripped both of their hands and led them to an arcade. It was packed. A lot of people were in there and it was causing you to panic a bit. You whispered to Hawks, "My head is starting to hurt. Maybe we can go some place else?" You ask him. He shakes his head and replies to you calmly, "You were excited to go out today and you wanted to go to the arcade, so we're going to go to the arcade." He smiles and whispers something to Dabi. Dabi pulls out a gun and shoots a blank in the air yelling, "Scram!"

Most people leave and some stay as some froze in shock and remained horrified. You main,y had the whole arcade to yourself. Dabi comes up to you and kisses your cheek, "That better?" He asks you and you nod your head. Hawks says he needs to use the bathroom and you kiss him lightly as he runs off. Dabi asks for a kiss and you give it to him.

A few minutes later you saw a woman speaking to Hawks. As you spy on what they're talking about you can hear her complaining saying, "Just so you know your so called partner is cheating on you with someone who looks like a morph of a burn victim and a man! How could you let them do this-" he interrupts her and replies, "Both of my partners are none of your business, I know what they do. I see what they do, I consent to what they do because I love them both. So leave us alone please." He walks off but she follows him.

"But two men can't date! Being gay is a sin and immoral. Could be three men depending on your gender💕 " she yells. Hawks pulls Dabi closer and kisses him on the lips for a good thirty seconds as the woman stands there in shock and runs off. He lets go and laughs. "Did you see her face! That was hilarious!" All three of you laugh. "Now let's go play some games! How about space raiders?" He asks. And you respond with a yes. You whisper in Dabi's ear, "That was kinda gay." And he laughs. "But we both had socks on!" He replies jokingly and you laugh as well.

Since there was only two players for space raiders all of you took turns, first it was you and Hawks. It was fun but a bit of a rush with all the colors that appeared on screen. Zapping all of the spaceships and overall having a good time as Dabi watched. A few minutes later your turn was up and Dabi took your seat. You watched the two competitive boys work together and it was amazing. You hadn't seen them like this in a while and you enjoyed it.

AH SHIT OH SHIT SHIT OH SHIT! CLIFF HANGER AMIRITE!? y'all probably hate me💀 but here it's longer! I hope you enjoyed!

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