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Happy late holidays! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner but hey this chapter will be extra long I promise! How have you been? Thank you for 1.43k reads- that's scary honestly. I never thought anyone would like this book. Well! Off to the story😫

The wind blowed and your h/c hair lifted up and flowed with the wind. Laying down under the starry night sky sighing and looking up at the stars, tracing the patters with your fingers smiling. The stars were beautiful today's and you sat outside knowing that tomorrow was Hawks's birthday. You had some things planned like a birthday cake, but you didn't know what else to do. He was very reserved and never actually celebrated his birthday. As your eyes glanced to the footsteps heard from a distance you saw Dabi lay beside you and stare up at the stars, chuckling to himself. You blushed lightly eyeing him a bit trying to think of where to start the conversation when his head perked up and he looked into your eyes and whispered. "You know it's Keigo's birthday tomorrow?" Keigo? You thought, replying. "His name is Keigo?" He lifted his head up and sat down. "He didn't tell you that, huh." He didn't know what else to say. He laid back down looking at you and smiling. You haven't seen him smile like that, not like you remembered him smiling like that. He was always upset about something but he didn't look it now. Maybe he let go of something? Was there something he wasn't telling you. "I have a plan for tomorrow, we can get him a cake with his favorite flavor. Chocolate, obviously. Take him out to lunch and get him really good fried chicken, cook him dinner at home possibly beef Wellington. And you should know the rest." He hinted. "What about the rest?" You asked, tilting your head like a dog. "Well, you know." He blushed lightly trying to say it but he couldn't. "I understand." You replied. Smirking to yourself.

You held his hand and sighed lightly, looking at his icy blue eyes, smiling and blushing. You lifted your head near his and leaned in kissing him as he kissed back, his eyes in a daze almost star struck. He kissed you again and held you closer, wrapping his hands around your waist. He picked you up and started walking back inside, too tired to say anything you simply let him. It was getting late, the sky turned pitch black and you yawned. Drifting to sleep. He placed you on the bed, next to Hawks and he tucked you in laying next to you. Every move you made his hands searched for yours holding you closer every time you moved. Even in his sleep he searched for you. You fell asleep as four arms were around your body. Holding you close.

As you woke up and rubbed your eyes Dabi was in the kitchen, cooking French toast with strawberries and powdered sugar. You didn't know he could cook, as he had a pink apron on and his eyes on a cookbook. Looking at the recipe and dipping the bread into the egg batter, sprinkling cinnamon into it. You put your hands around his body hugging him as he jumped. "Oh! Sorry." You apologized. "You do t have to apologize, I was just a bit shocked." He replied, flipping over the French toast. "Will you help me cut strawberries?" He asked you and you nodded in response. Picking up the knife and washing the strawberries. You placed them on the cutting board and chopped them up, making sure they were cut into fourths.

The birthday boy walked into the room coming up next to you and he looked confused. "Is there something special going on?" He asked, not understanding that it was his own birthday. "Silly bird! It's your birthday." You responded smiling at him while sprinkling powdered sugar on his breakfast and passing the syrup to Dabi. "Now sit down." You ordered him and she sat as you placed the French toast in front of him, tossing the syrup his way. He looked at the both of you motioning for you to sit beside him, grabbing yourself a slice of French toast and waiting to see if he liked it. His eyes glistened and his wings fluttered in response to the delicious breakfast you made him. "Do you like it?" You asked him, already knowing the answer. He hummed in response, smiling as he shoved the French toast down his throat.

As you has your own plans up your sleeve you got dressed, changing into a nice outfit for goin out. You planned a specific area so you wouldn't get caught but it could still be out in the open, the boardwalk. It had a nice boardwalk, vendors, a Ferris wheel, a beach and an old town candy shop. As you looked in the mirror you sighed, knowing you looked amazing. As you put on your platforms and walked out the room you kissed Hawks then Dabi on the cheek and held both of their hands as you got in the car and Dabi drove to your spot. Once you arrived you hopped out of the car and pulled their arms eagerly to the Ferris wheel.

All of you bundled up in the same compartment and looked out to see the view, but they weren't looking outside their eyes stayed on you. You were a magnet to their eyes. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" Hawks asked, blushing nervously and glancing away. "Of course my love, but you have to kiss Dabi too. It wouldn't be fair." You replied as he pulled you into his lap, kissing your lips for a good minute not letting go. He scooted over to Dabi and whispered something in his ear that made him chuckle, then kissed him. Come to think of it you've never seen them kiss each other, and not lying it was hot.

After your splendid date you all went back home and fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up, rubbed your eyes and yawned. Picking up a glass of water and checking the time. It was 4am and you were not going back to sleep after another nightmare. So you went to the couch and found Dabi sitting there- "What are you doing up so early?" You asked him, yawning. You reached out your hand and he held it in response, his body was always warm. Probably because of his quirk.

Your POV

Honestly, every time I saw him I was amazed. Most people would call this man ugly, but I don't see it. He was merely just an un-ordinary type of beautiful, the beautiful you didn't see regularly. The once in a lifetime beautiful, it was unique, special and interesting. His scars just stated that he's been through a lot with his skin stapled together. You'd think with how bad the burns are he's smell awful. But actually he smelt like lavender cologne, smoke but not the cigarette smoke, and his body wash that smelled very sweet but I couldn't put my finger on it. The staples were symmetrical on each side and were always clean, he probably cleaned them a lot. What would happen if he took them out? Would his mouth open up more? Would his hands fall apart? Why were the staples there in the first place really? How did he get those burns? I asked myself all these questions. Too afraid to ask him.

"Man, you really like starring at me huh?" He snickered. Looking into my e/c eyes. Leaning closer. "I can tell you have questions. So ask them, I won't bite unless you're into that-"

I looked up at him and sighed to myself, building up courage to ask my first question. I didn't want to hurt him but I was curious. I put my finger on one of his staples and raised my chin. "Do these hold your skin together or are they just for looks?" I asked, trembling. I know I shouldn't ask such questions but I just had to.

He began to take off one of his staples then the next on one side until I could see that it held his skin together in his mouth. You could see all of his teeth and how far back his uvula was. It was quite interesting. "Oh, wow." I gasped. Surprised he'd even answer my question but intrigued nonetheless. He took my finger and placed it inside his mouth showing me that I wasn't mistaken, then he placed them back in and chuckled. "It's not all for the aesthetic, I'll have you know." He smiled. "Next question?" He added. Ruffling through his hair and leaning back next to me.

This question I was hesitant on cause I was not sure if it would bring up anything bad but I had to ask him. As I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his chest I looked at him dead in the eyes and asked, moving my hand up and down his chest. "When did you meet Hawks?" He looked at me and laughed, but then his smile sank a bit as he explained the so called hero force. How hawks and Dabi didn't have real names in the course and were referred to as numbers, they killed animals, bigger animals then were expected to kill humans. They were basically childhood friends, locked in a cave together that Dabi managed to escape, leaving him behind and joining the LOV. This wasn't something you'd usually hear from someone. This was shocking. I slowly bring him closer and hugged him. Mumbling I'm sorry at least ten times before he lifted my face off of his chest and raised my chin up to his. "You don't have to apologize, it won't change anything." He responded as I buried my face farther into his chest, it was warm. He just hugged me closer.

A little while later I lifted my head up realizing that he was covered in tears and I frowned a bit. Looking at him and kissing his lips softly as he kissed back. Once I let go he frowned looking at me and smiling. "I think you owe me another kiss for ruining my shirt with your tears." I nodded and once again kissed him softly but I let us melt into the kiss, holding it for a bit longer and releasing. The sun was starting to finally rise and as soon as you knew it everyone was up.

I HOPE YOU LIKED IT! I tried multiple POV because I felt like it needed that and I'm so sorry for the late upload. I've had some issues with mental health but I'm hoping you like this chapter that is a bit longer. See you later~

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