Villian or hero?

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As I sat in the cold, empty room I fiddled with my quirk. I kept thinking about what Shigiraki said, should I be a hero? Or a villain? I'll stop thinking about it. Eh, I'll train my quirk and build up aura. That should be good, maybe if I focus I can think properly.

As my aura surrounded my body in a mist I concentrated and made a bubble around me. Once I did so I focused on making the bubble bigger, it's said that in the bubble you can detect anything that's inside it even count the leaves as they fall. I sat there in silence making the bubble as big as the room I was in and conjuring my googles as I put them on and looked through them. I saw someone at the corner of my eye, it was Dabi next to the door. "That's impressive, but what's the bubble for and how'd you make it?" He asked, looking confused but surprised. He sat down in the bubble and started to glow. "Why am I glowing?" He peered down at his hands, his aura glowing around him. "That's your aura silly." I responded. "What's aura?" This time he really was confused, he started at me in confusion and waited for an answer. "Well, aura is kind of like your soul, but if you train from a nen master you can use it to your advantage." I told him. He looked like he had so many questions. "What's nen?" He asked. "Nen (Mind Force) is the ability to control the energy which curses throughout the body and is often called Aura." I taught him. "Anyone can use nen but not many people know how." I trailed off. "Want to learn?" I asked. "Sure, if it can help in battle.." he trailed off, playing with his fingers. "It sure can! Well, ask if anyone else wants to learn nen." I ordered him. "Be back soon!" He walked out of the bubble and went to find the others.

"Nen is the ability to be able to control one's aura. This is a power which exists in every living being and can only be awakened through either training or by force. It is the final and secret requirement for a Hunter to be considered an official member of The Hunter Association. Nen is not made part of the Hunter Exam since it is a very dangerous power and could attract all kinds of people.

Aura is the energy which flows throughout every living being's body. Most of this aura is always leaking out from the body and normal people are not aware of it; this is because at first a person's Nodes are closed, which prevents the free flow of aura.

Nodes are the network which aura flows through. There are many throughout one's body and are closed from the beginning, which prevents the free flow of aura.
By infusing a normal object with aura, it can become a very powerful weapon. A normal piece of paper can turn into a deadly blade or a normal ball could have as much power as a big boulder. Each person has a set amount of aura from the start but this can be expanded through training. Learning to control the use of amount of aura is a very important factor in Nen. This helps a person judge their remaining amount of aura so they don't have to be wary of their strength and don't collapse quickly in battle.

Awakening Nen
Nen can be awakened by two ways:

Train every day by Meditating or Zen.
One starts training their Ten this way. Once thay have mastered it, they will be able to control their aura easier.
Transmitting aura into one's body.
This method requires the use of Hatsu. It is very risky and dangerous and is considered a last resort method. One must lightly try to pass their aura into the target's body to open their Nodes. This will cause the aura to flow rapidly out of one's body, and if one doesn't asume the correct position which best suits for controlling their aura (in other words, Ten), their life force will be depleted and one will be extremely exhausted to even stand. Those whose Nodes are opened through this method will have to train their Ten even more so they can control their aura properly." (From hunter x hunter wiki!)

After ten minutes everyone arrived. "So, kid. This nen you're talking about.." Hawks stated. Trying to understand what it was. "Oh, nen. You wanna learn?" I said, smirking a bit. "Sure! I wanna learn!" Toga yelled, fetching her knife. "Teach me! Teach me!" She demanded. "Okay, okay. I will!" I reassured her. "Well, then everyone stand in a relaxed position and I will pass aura through your body, be careful it can kill you if you're unprepared." I told everyone as they lined up.

Once they lined up I counted to three, then passed a large amount of aura through their body, once I did so aura started to glow from their body and surround them. "Woah I'm a glowing bird!" Hawks started to marvel at his body. "This is cool!" Toga yelped with excitement. "Everyday you have to meditate to focus on your nen, then I'll test you to see what type you are." I educated them. "Oh okay!" Toga ran off and started meditating in the next room. "Tomorrow we'll see!" I said excitedly.

Shigiraki pulled me aside and asked to talk. "So, have you decided?" He asked with his scratchy voice. "Hawks decided, now I need to know your decision." He continued on. A million thoughts went through my head. Screw you father, I don't need to follow your set path anymore. I knew what my answer was. "Yes I've decided. I'll join you." I sighed, looking serious. "Oh! Good. I was hoping you would." He sat down and talked with Twice.

This was my decision I don't need to follow my set path from my father, no. I never wanted to. I'm old enough to decide, fuck I'm 22 an adult now. I'm not daddy's little goodie, no not anymore. I felt relieved, like I had broke free from those god forsaken chains that were around me. He was no longer in control, I was.

I went and sat down by Dabi and Hawks. "So, you're a villain Hawks?" I asked him, already knowing the answer. "Well, yeah." He sighed. "Being a hero is shit, they only care about rankings. I'd rather be carefree." He sloped down on the couch. "That's why I was a villain, I don't want to be like my father." He replied. "Yeah, I don't like my father either." I admitted, signing and yawning. I didn't get much sleep, I was a bit dizzy. "Tired huh?" Dabi teased. "Why yes I am." I smirked. "Then sleep." He said. "We don't have anything to do today, free day." He started to read. "What are you reading, burnt bitch." I joked. "Just reading a manga, black butler." He giggled. Damn, the man can laugh. "I didn't know you liked Black Butler, it's my favorite anime." I replied, shocked. "That's cool." He says.

I didn't even realized but before I could respond I fell asleep.

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