If You Wanna Find Hell With Me - Ending

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It had been two years since that fateful day in which you thought you lost everything. Well, you did lose half of everything.

Living wasn't as easy as it was, as life then was carefree. You often caught yourself crying over hopeful dreams of what could've been. The men in which you were infatuated with came down to one, he often sulked with you some days. Grieving was never easy.

You picked up your glass, taking a small sip as the alcohol burned your throat and seeped through the finest cracks of your tongue. Your head slightly hurt, a gentle reminder of last night would forever strike the day as Tylenol didn't get rid of this kind of headache.

The smell of smoke clouded your nose as you sat up in the chair, looking up at him. He smiled faintly, taking a small drag of the cigarette that was balanced perfectly in his scarred but delicate hands. He grabbed your hand, pulling you up into his side as he grabbed your waist.

The view of the small balcony the two of you had was beautiful. Looking out at the small city view of Leuven, you smiled. You were happy today, for the first time in a while.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked, putting out his cigarette. He knew your response, you'd always say something like it each time the two of you sat out there. But this time it was different.

"As beautiful as the first day I shared here with you," you replied softly. Dabi was a simple man, with simple pleasures. He liked the balcony, he liked a good book, he liked black coffee, he liked cigarettes and alcohol that burned your tongue, he liked you.  In fact, he loved you.

"Is today different than yesterday? You haven't had an answer like that in a long time y/n," he smiled, kissing your cheek softly. He didn't often smile, but when he did it still made butterflies appear in the pit of your stomach.

"I suppose," you mumbled, looking away from him. You liked to look down at the cars driving through in the distance, you liked the beautiful Belgian sunsets of the late afternoon sky, you liked him as well.

"What's the adventure you have for me today?" He asks, he always asked you this in the bright mornings. Even if today was slightly foggy.

"What type of adventure would you like?" You asked, although it wasn't really a question but a request. Your eyes slightly burned from the mascara that clung your your face.

You cried last night in a drunken haze.  The embarrassment of thinking about it showed on your cheeks which burned red. You screamed out for your lost lover as the tragedy and elegance of "Moonlight Sonata" played on vinyl. It actually sounded quite romantic now that you thought of it. But the alcohol mixed with sorrow wasn't as beautiful as you had hoped.

"I want something...calming but enticing," he told you, breaking the silence.

"What does that entail?" You asked cheekily, knowing full well he'd come up with something.

He grabbed you by the waist, and pulled you over his shoulders. Your legs kicked up in the air even if you didn't want his hands away from you. He said nothing, but showed more than enough. He wasn't a man of words but actions.

You giggled as he placed you down inside your bedroom. The silk sheets crumpled up since you both were too lazy to fix the bed. You were gently laid there, waiting for his next move.

He kissed your collarbone, looking at you with loving eyes. Kissing down your collarbone, and onto your shoulders, leaving small marks from nibbles at your skin. You were completely consumed by him.

He pulled your face up, giving you a passionate but short kiss. You found yourself rapping your arms around his neck, one hand entangled in his hair as you pulled him in. You kissed him sweetly, as he dominated the kiss. He pulled you up by your waist, letting you sit on his lap as he broke the kiss. Taking in a deep breath of air.

You smiled, looking up at him which most likely looked silly to him. He grabbed your hand, jumping off the bed and pulling you out the door, down the stairs, and into the city.

"What are you doing?!" You chuckled, stumbling as his grip tightened over your wrist.

He pulled you out into the city, which you would've never thought he'd do. And it was beautiful. The fresh bread set out in little concessions smelled delightful. But alas, he pulled you away from the bread and into the small book store that was on the Main Street.

"Pick whichever one you want doll~" he winked, disappearing into the long lines of books behind you.

You walked along fine lines of literature, passing by the boring non fiction books and into the mystery section. You always had a thing for mystery books, it always seemed so interesting. You picked out an old "Sherlock Holmes" book along with "Dante's Inferno" and that was all. You didn't have a ton of money do you felt a bit bad at buying such expensive things.

You set the books on the counter, as you handed your money Dabi took it, giving them his money instead. You blushed, he was so kind most of the time. Sometimes he would get a bit angry, but the next day he'd be back to himself.

You arrived home, reading "Dante's Inferno" with him, taking turns each page.

"So bitter is it, death is little more;
But of the good to treat, which there I found, Speak will I of the other things I saw there." You recited, giggling to yourself while you pushed your back into his chest. Feeling the comfortable warmth of his body.

"Dramatic, isn't it?" He whispered, causing you to shiver at his deep voice.

"I suppose." You responded.

Waking up from your small nap, the sky just appeared to be setting. Pink clouds formed in the distance, the sky tinted a yellowish orange. Colors bending into each other as if it was a painting.

Dabi got up, walking towards the balcony. His steps were soft but loud, you could hear him profoundly. You walked towards him, he said nothing. You looked out on the edge of the balcony, admiring the sunset. As you felt a small tug at your clothing.

He stood there, smiling as he got down on one knee. He reached for his pocket in his old leather jacket and pulled out a velvet box, "Y/N, Will you marry me?" He asked, shaking while he held out the box.

You grabbed onto him, pulling him into a kiss as you nodded your head, not able to say anything. You broke the kiss, smiling as he kissed you again.

Hello loves,
This has been such a fucking journey if I'm honest. I've loved and hated every bit of it. I hope this chapter suffices as the end. I might make a small Epilogue to this if you want it. But alas, time has come to an end and a new chapter- well book, will begin.

I am not in the fandom anymore, I will not be interacting with MHA as much since I don't have much interest in the storyline as I did years prior.

This was a journey, a good one. And I hope you aren't too mad at me for the ending.
-kissingthegoat (grellbage)

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