They're a killer, romantic lover<3

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Hey everyone, I've been in a tough situation and your support really makes me get through the day. I love you all so much, and it makes me so happy someone enjoys my work! I'm going to apologize for breaking my streak of posting everyday. I totally didn't mean to at all, but I got my second COVID shot so it's taking a bit from me to recover from the sickness sadly. Hope you understand!

"She's a killer
Romantic lover
There is no other
She is my lover" -Romantic Lover, eyedress

An objects value isn't based on the price, it's also based on the small details, person's attachment, the value and what time it was made. Once stolen, the value of the object could increase or decrease, based on the person. Just like if a puppy was lost, you'd want it more than ever cause it was gone. Right? Because you didn't realize how important the dog was to you until you didn't have it anymore.

What is the most driven thing in a person? Is it love, lust, anger, joy..? No, none of those sound right. To me, it's jealousy. If you're jealous you aren't just angry, it's more of an emotion that can cause you to do awful things. What would you do if you were jealous? You wouldn't just ignore it. Maybe talk shit about the person to your friend, gossip about them and spread rumors, maybe try and be like them, hurt them? I guess it would depend on what kind of jealousy you're dealing with.

As you woke up, thoughts consumed your brain. On people, places, things, objects, emotions. It was a bit overwhelming, but refreshing too. It would be good to think, since tonight was your first mission. You weren't sure what you had to do yet, so checking in with Shigiraki would be best. He was the "leader" now, at least more of a leader than the others.

You put on basic clothes, since you would be going undercover. Like Hawks's grey sweatshirt, black shorts, knee high white socks, a white t-shirt you borrowed from Dabi without asking, black tennis shoes, and a pocket knife from Toga. You were going to "volunteer" at UA as a substitute teacher. You weren't sure how, but Hawks got you in. Probably because he's the #2 pro hero.

Three is better than two♥️

I'm going to be off at 5min,
I'll meet Hawks there because there will be
a meeting for me to 'learn' about teaching
Science class. I'll have 1A today, and I'm not sure
tomorrow. So, I should ask questions? Seem normal?
I'm just making sure I'm fit for this...

Don't worry babe, you'll do amazing. And yes,
you should ask questions. The more questions you ask,
the more answer you'll recite and the more information you
will get.

You'll meet me there, and if anyone asks about your
sweatshirt you can definitely say it was from me. Who
wouldn't want to be dating a pro hero? I'm joking, I'm
joking. But yes, you'll do great. It's easier than it seems.
And if you assay you know me, you'll get more info because
you'll be a bit more "trusted". I dunno how it works honestly.

Okay, I trust you. And thank you, leaving soon.
Tell you when I get there Hawks, and of course you
Dabi. I'll write down the information in my notes app.
Is there any kid who writes down the other peoples
quirks? It's not likely, but if so it'll be helpful.

Not sure, I've taught 1B. But, not 1A yet.
Sent 10:04

You grabbed your phone off your nightstand and tied your shoelaces, going out the door. You were feeling positive about this, but not too positive. You needed to be aware of anything and everything, trying not to miss a single detail.

You pulled your keys from the door, and started your car. It was a black 1990 Ferrari F355 spider. Was old, but still worked very well. You turned on the radio and played the song 505 by arctic monkeys. It would be a 20 minute drive, so you took time to look at the road carefully. Not ready for a car crash, that'd be terrifying.

It was 19 minutes later, and you were pulling into UA, remembering when you went there a few years ago. "It's been a while, has it?" You said to yourself. Walking up to the entrance and spotting Hawks, he ruffled his blonde hair with his hands and placed his sunglasses on. "You first, babe." He said, opening the door for you. "Well, thank you Hawks! Omg the number two pro hero, I'm soooo you're biggest fan!" You teased and he snorted, "What happened to being serious?" He asked, jokingly. "Maybe I don't wanna be serious right now, how about that?" You responded.

Walking in, you instinctively reached your hands out for his and he surprisingly grabbed it. You walked into the main office, with him. Right before he walked into the meeting room, he took you with him to meet some of the pro hero's that work there. "Hey everyone! I want you to meet y/n, they're awesome and I think picking them as the sub was a right option. Anyways, can everyone introduce yourselves to them please?" He asked politely. And you met Aizawa, All Might, Midnight and Present Mic. They all introduced themselves, except Aizawa. He fell asleep in the middle of it, but that was okay, he was a narcoleptic. He couldn't help it, but nonetheless he was an amazing teacher. You remembered him teaching you. Shame he didn't recognize you.

Hawks walked you to room 1A, insisting that both of you held hands. "See you soon babe!" He said so loudly he almost yelled. "Shut up bird brain!" You yelled back and a bunch of the students giggled. You pulled out your papers and set them down. "Heyo, my name is y/n, I will be your substitute teacher for science. You each can ask one question, so raise your hand politely and I will pick you." You told the class. A boy with a lightning streak in his hair raised his hand first. "Yes, uh.. I'm going to guess you're Denki?" You responded and he nodded his head. "I'm Denki Kaminari, and my question is, how do you know Hawks? I mean he is the #2 pro hero." He asked, looking a bit confused.

"Oh, well I met him around 11 months ago, I kinda forgot where honestly. But I know him from a mutual 'friend' and that's how we were introduced to each other. Thank you for asking politely Denki." You answered confidently. And once you finished answering a girl with pink skin raised her hand, so you picked her. Intrigued on what her quirk was. "Yes, you with the pink hair!" You pointed at her. "Oh! Well my question is, hats your quirk?"

You thought of a way to explain it so a bunch of student would understand. "Well, my quirk is conjuring. And I can sense auras around me even if I can't see you. So the way it works is I take my right hand and if I think of my goggles, which is what I use to detect auras by the way. I can summon them to my hand out of air and put them on." You put them on and thought of the farthest person you could sense. "Like right now I know that Aizawa is 700 feet away from me. It's pretty useful. But I can also jump insanely high, unfortunately I can't show that as I will break the roof." You responded to her, and she smiled, "Cool! Also, my name is Mina Ashido!" She says confidently. "Nice to meet you Mina!" You greet her.

Okay, I know I said everyone but three more people. Because I have to teach science as well." You told the class. And an angry teenage boy with light blonde hair yelled, "Not like we care! Just shut up and teach us then!" You looked at him a bit angry and you walked close to him. "Is that how you treat everyone. I certainly hope that you don't, hasn't your mother taught you manners. I see you as my level but yelling like that is not tolerated at any expense." You scolded him and he scoffed.

"Now! Who has a question?" You smiled. And a boy with green hair looked up and raised his hand. You pointed at him and nodded. "Well, my names Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku! My question is, why'd you chose to sub?" He asked, with bright eyes. "Well, Hawks told me that I should because there was a shortage of teachers, so I decided why not? I was also taught here a few years ago just like all of you, so it's kind of weird teaching honestly."

You answered a few more unimportant questions and spent the rest of the c.add teaching about the circulatory system. It was fun, but a bit boring. You just couldn't wait to eat lunch honestly. You forgot to eat breakfast and it was really killing you. But as soon as you knew, class was over.

I will be releasing a new chapter very soon! I hope you didn't mind the delay! Enjoy! Also, thank you so much truly, for 45k views! That's insane, I never thought it'd get this far at all and it keeps growing. To everyone reading this have a good day or night I'll be signing off for this chapter!

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