The days (1)

405 14 6

"Hey little sister, what have you done?
Hey little sister, who's the only one?
Hey little sister, who's your Superman?
Hey little sister, who's the one you want?
Hey little sister, shotgun

It's a nice day to start again." -white wedding, Billy Idol

Launching yourself awake, a cold sweat stuck to your skin. You threw over the dark crimson red sheets and just sat there, before sobbing uncontrollably. You didn't want to cry, but your body made you. It was just a stupid night terror, wasn't it? You couldn't even remember it yet you were breaking down. "Why was I like this?" you thought to yourself.

Walking to the sink, rinsing your mouth but not bothering to brush your teeth. You hated brushing your teeth, the sound of the bristles scraping against your teeth and tongue was gross. Your eyes lay puffy, bags formed underneath them. Dark circles showed and you sighed, you sometimes couldn't help but hate yourself. Something was always wrong with the way you look, acted, dressed or even spoke to you sometimes that it was hard to bare. You were hard to bare. But that's the beauty of you, no one else felt that way.

Washing your face underneath the cold tap water. It was ice cold. Too cold almost. But you'd make do. You shivered, lifting up handful,s of water and pouring them on your face. Shocking you awake. The air grew cold, your body shivered. Deciding on what would be the warmest room, you ran to the kitchen. Sitting on the air vent, it was amazingly warm. The hot air hiking up your back, and trickling down your spine reaching the back of your head. It felt amazing, warming you up instantly. Even more so then the Korean thick fluffy blankets in the closet. In fact, the only reason you knew they were from Korea because the tag said so.

No one was up yet, it was only seven in the morning and you went to bed around two hours ago. So, back to bed it was. For now at least. Picking up your legs, the gravity pulling them down rapidly you almost fell on your ass yet again. That wouldn't feel good.

Walking back to your room, you didn't want to be alone. It'd be warmer with someone with you, so you went to Hawks's room. No real reason why you chose his, other than it was closer to yours. Just two doors down to yours, Dabi's room was down the hall, past the kitchen, and right beside the living room. Walking all the way down there would be tiring and a bit confusing.

So you turned around and walked to his room, opening the door as silently as you could. You lifted up a side of the blanket, and stepped in laying under the thick blanket. He slept so peacefully but he also had nightmares of his own. Sometimes when you slept beside him, he tossed and turned groaning in pain as you could see. Sometimes he'd wake up, breathing heavily and looking at the wall. Starring in shock for a few minutes before shaking it off and trying to go back to bed. Which he usually was able to, then waking up much later.

He mumbled, pulling you closer in his sleep. He smiled and yawned, going back to bed. You kissed his forehead, and he smiled in his sleep. "How cute." You thought to yourself, trying your best to fall asleep in his arms but you still felt cold. You didn't feel sick at all.. so why were you so cold in the first place?  Nevertheless, you snuggled into his chest.

You stayed there for about an hour, but you didn't feel one bit tired. Your body did, but you couldn't just close your eyes and wake up a few hours later just yet. Wasn't that how sleeping worked? Just closing your eyes and a few minutes later it seemed, you woke up but the time went eight hours ahead without even noticing. It was odd how that happens.

Lifting the covers and kissing his cheek, you walked over to Dabi. Maybe he will heat you up? He is a human heater after all. So you walked down the hall, past the kitchen and beside the living room. It was too far away, it felt like getting there was like going through narnia. But, you eventually made it.

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