Mission accomplished?

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I'm so sorry for not updating! I will continue to update twice a week hopefully! I really do enjoy writing this and maybe this'll be something I won't cancel.

As Dabi came back he clenched his side in pain, groaning and tears filling his eyes as he collapsed on the cold floor barely making it through the door. Hawks chuckled lightly, picked him off and slowly walked away placing Dabi on his bed. Shigiraki wasn't too good either, his eye was dripping blood and he looked almost dead, paler than before. Toga trotted back with blood on her knives and her outfit, sitting next to me on the couch. "Do you think they'll be alright?" I started to shake, looking down at Toga, she giggled and looked towards me. "They are fine, it was a success. Ten hours of constant fighting sure is tiring." She yawned, leaning back.

Hawks walked back towards me and ruffled my hair, "Damn kid, didn't know you were that short." He teased picking me up and I kicked my legs. "Shit!" He groaned in pain as I accidentally kicked him in the groin. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I pleaded, as he sat me down and sat down next to me. He laid down on my chest and yawned. "Don't worry about it." My heart started to race as I realized how attractive he is, with his ruffled hair, maroon feathers and yellow eyes. Wow. I'm not usually one to crush but I'll make an exception, maybe two-

Dabi got up and started fishing for something to eat, not speaking a word. He looked groggy and shaken, a bit mad too. Did something happen to him? Was it more than just a "mission"? I guess I'll ask him. "Dabi!" I called over, motioning for him to sit down. He walked slowly, still holding his side. "Yes, what do you need?" He mumbled, his voice sounding like gravel and his hands shaking. "Sit here and wait." I instructed him as I walked to the kitchen and picked out some earl grey tea and biscuits. As I boiled the tea and placed down the biscuits, Twice walked inside the doors of the bar siting down. "Where's toga?" He asked, fiddling with his thumbs. "Oh, she's in her room. But knock, she just got out of the shower." I replied, putting tea bags into the kettle. As I walked back I set the tea down and handed him a full cup, giving one to Hawks too. "Thanks y/n." Dabi said, sipping slowly on his tea as Hawks jumped up burning his tongue. "Fuck! You didn't tell me it was going to be hot!" He yelped. "Look at the steam, dumbass." I chuckled, trying to hold back from laughing. He slouched down on the couch mumbling to himself and elbowing Dabi.

Man, what imbeciles.

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