Dancing in the rain

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"I know that you're in love with him, cause I saw you dancing in the gym." -American Pie

It was a few days later and every time you were around Keigo, you almost couldn't muster up words. He made you so upset and anxious, sadly, angry too. You don't know what you did wrong and he just acted like it didn't happen!? What if you were overreacting? Maybe he didn't deserve you. Maybe he just needed Dabi. Not you. How could it be you? You selfish bastard. Y o u s u c k, w o r t h l e s s, h o r r i d, you're selfish.

No, no. That can't be it. He gave you that necklace. You took out the necklace from inside your shirt and smiled, sighing and putting it back so it was hidden. You were afraid someone may take it and he wouldn't be able to find you if you were in danger. Not that you couldn't defend yourself, just in case. You were smart and strong. So you knew where you stood.

Moving your hair away from your face and walking outside in the rain, you heard laughing a few feet away from you. Being curious you went to peek around the corner and saw Dabi and Keigo dancing in the rain and twirling each other around. No music was playing but they didn't need that, as the rain got worse the even more soaked they were.

You ran back in the house to the bathroom and grabbed a few towels from the closet. You didn't want to step in and ruin the moment they were having. So you sat in the corner and watched them quietly. Enjoying them getting along. But, you also noticed that it couldn't have been the first time they did something like this, or dance at least. Because they knew what they were doing. Dabi bowing Hawks at just the right time, never tripping over each other's feet, dancing at the same pace in harmony. It was fascinating.

As much as you wanted to have fun with them, you weren't a,ways going to be with them nor see them like this. So it lasted for about ten more minutes before they started to slow down, the rain started turning into a storm. And the thunder struck so they stopped completely. You walked out to them, "Hey, you guys should come inside. You'll get sick out there, especially if you get your socks wet. You don't even have proper rain gear on. So let's go inside, I'll get your towels and make hot tea." You told them and they nodded.

As they walked in the garage you threw a towel on each of them and turned on the heater, noticing they were both shivering. So you went inside and boiled a kettle on the stove, grabbing the teabags, sugar, honey, creamer and teacups. Taking the kettle off, you waited exactly one minute for it to cool down a bit and pored the boiling water into a tea pot, then adding two tea bags. You set the creamer, sugar and honey down.

I'm so sorry y'all, writers block.

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