Chapter 79: The last step

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The morning of the day of the rescue mission arrived earlier than Byungho had expected. Wonpil woke him up at 2 am along with Seungmin and Woosu. Of course, Samuel also woke up in the progress.

The five Kim brothers had all slept in Woosu's room for the pure reason of not wanting to sleep alone. Ever since a certain accident let Wonpil's room have a weird atmosphere, the five brothers made it a habit to sleep in Byungho, Woosu or Samuel's room.

Samuel, still huddled up in his blanket, watched how his brothers got ready for their departure. A bang of guilt hit Byungho's chest when he looked over to his youngest brother and saw nothing but fear and worry shimmering in the siren's glassy, dark eyes. Byungho forced himself to look away and focused on putting on his black bomber jacket.

"Everyone ready?", Wonpil asked after everyone except for Samuel was dressed. Byungho nodded in confirmation like Woosu and Seungmin before his focus shifted onto Samuel. He wanted to say something to comfort his youngest brother, but he didn't get the chance to do that.

Samuel threw his blanket carelessly to the ground and rushed over to his four older brothers, tackling them into a big hug. The air was knocked out of Byungho's lungs when Samuel crashed into him, almost letting him bump against Seungmin, who stood close to him.

"You have to promise me to come back!", Samuel began to sob. The siren was in between Byungho and Woosu, clinging onto the two older males like his life depended on it. Byungho could feel his eyes beginning to sting and he wanted to say something, but he didn't trust his voice enough at the moment.

"I know we haven't been a family for even a year but I can't lose you! You're the best brothers I got", the siren cried, tightening his grip on Byungho and Woosu a bit more. Byungho's heart ached just seeing his youngest brother like that. Samuel may be 15 years old, but right now he seemed a lot younger with the tear spilling out of his eyes uncontrollably.

Seungmin walked around Byungho so he was at Samuel's side and could hug the youngest Kim brother properly. The basically same thing did Wonpil. Now, Samuel was in the middle of the hug and bawled his eyes out.

"Trust us a little bit more, Samuel", Woosu spoke up. The warlock with the white hair showed the youngest a kind and warm smile, but Byungho could see the tears in the corner of the other's eyes. Woosu freed one of his arms from Samuel's grip and patted the siren's head.

"Woosu is right. We're gonna come back in no time", Seungmin added, laying his head on Samuel's shoulder. Byungho looked at the redhead for a moment longer before his focus was back on Samuel, who was slowly calming down.

Byungho had no clue what Changbin and Seungmin did yesterday, or if Hyunjin was involved too, but whatever it was he was glad it happened because Seungmin seemed happier and more focused now. It was like he had regained a certain balance, but was it enough to solve the problem with Seungmin's moral compass?

There was no telling how long it took Samuel to calm down, but after he did the five brothers headed out of the room towards the entrance hall where their father should be waiting. It was strange to Byungho how calm his father was about the whole thing. It seemed like the devil was just not worried about four of his five sons participating in a possibly dangerous rescue mission. Was there a possibility that Lucifer knew what was going to happen and that his calmness was actually a good sign?

When the five brothers reached the staircase, which lead to the entrance hall, Byungho was surprised to see not only Lucifer standing at the bottom of the stairs. Beside the tall man with the black hair stood Lilith. The woman with the blood-red hair had her arms crossed over her chest and looked up to the five Kim brothers as soon as they reached the top of the staircase. Even in the dimly lit entrance hall, Byungho could feel Lilith's blood red eyes pierce through him.

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