Chapter 58: Forgotten friends

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"Alright so BTS just arrived at our headquarter this morning. KARD joined us yesterday night. MonstaX and ACE will arrive later today and we are still waiting for GOT7 but according to Jackson they will arrive in Yellow Wood on the 11th of February, which is tomorrow. IZ and most members of Day6 are already here and ONEUS will also join us later today", Johnny reported, walking up and down in front of Taeyong's desk. The harpy was looking at a file in his hands, where the things he said were summarized.

"We are still trying to get into contact with the Kim family but no avail. Hwang Minji on the other hand has arrived here yesterday evening. A very impressive lady, may I add", the harpy continued and looked up briefly to see his leader's reaction. Taeyong, who sat behind his desk, raised an eyebrow at the last statement but said nothing.

"The sudden disappearance of the Kim family is a mystery but according to Day6 we don't need to worry about them since the father and head of the family is a very capable magic user and probably managed to hide his mansion and everyone, who lives in it, even from our eyes", Johnny concluded, stopping his pacing to fully look at Taeyong. The guardian's face remained rather expressionless, tempting Johnny to humor his leader a bit.

"Any questions?", the harpy asked, using his "teacher voice" but with a bit of humor. He looked at the guardian with the scarlet red hair like he was his student but made it just a tad funnier, so he would get a smile from Taeyong. It worked because the other male's lips did curve up in a small, almost unnoticeable smile.

"No, Mr. Suh", the guardian answered with an amused huff. The harpy mirrored the little smile of his leader before he closed the file and put it onto Taeyong's desk. Despite having succeeded in making Taeyong smile the guardian still looked tired. If you looked close enough you could even see dark circles forming under his eyes.

Taeyong was often tired the last two days, which was why a lot of things he usually did were carried out by Taeil, Kun or Johnny instead of him. The harpy knew very well that the reason for his leader's exhaustion was the search for Jaehyun and Ten.

The guardian was the one who came up with the idea of using a technique, which would track down Ten and Jaehyun's location by the soulmate bond both Demi-dragons shared with their leader. Yuta, Sicheng and Taeil were the ones Taeyong trusted to perform this spell technique on him and you didn't need to know a lot about magic to know that this technique was extremely exhausting for the three magic users but especially drained Taeyong's energy. After all, for this technique to work Taeyong was the one, who had to feel where Ten and Jaehyun were by following the bond, which connected them. A side effect of this was that Taeyong could feel a huge part of the pain they must be experiencing.

Johnny had told Taeyong multiple times that the spell technique could also be performed on him since he too shared a soulmate bond with both demi-dragons but the guardian was stubborn and insisted on doing it alone, so it would be faster. This lead Johnny to believe that whatever it was exactly Taeyong could feel through the soulmate bond, while he went through this procedure, it wasn't anything good or pleasant.

It scared Johnny to know that people he loved and cared about were suffering and he could do nothing to help them. Even Taeyong, who sat right in front of him, was suffering in silence because the guardian felt responsible for everything bad that happened to his group and tried to make up for it by enduring something tiresome and draining. The only thing Johnny could do at the moment was to make sure he didn't worry Taeyong and be there for him if he was needed.

"How is it going with the search by the way?", Johnny asked, his voice becoming softer with each word. Taeyong meet his eyes and let a short sigh escape him before his gaze dropped back onto the table.

"We will hopefully have their exact location soon. Currently we know the surroundings of their position but we don't have a precise location yet but we will continue working on that today", the guardian answered while drawing invisible patterns with his pointer finger onto the smooth surface of his desk. The guardian's dark blue eyes were focused on the desk rather than Johnny but the harpy could still see the exhaustion and pain in the beautiful deep blue orbs.

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