Chapter 15: Groups

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Jeongin waited impatiently for his potions and spells class to end. It was not because the lesson, subject or teacher was boring. No, he liked potion and spells, he liked Mr. Lee because he was funny but still a very good teacher and the current lesson about a little portal spell was very interesting but the young kitsune just wanted to run out of this room and to his home room in hopes of meeting a certain cat hybrid with freckles.

To be more specific Jeongin wanted to run up to Felix and hug him for no reason at all. Ever since the little sleep over they had at the Lee's house Jeongin wanted to be around Felix a lot more for no real reason. Maybe it was because he let Felix's sunshine-like personality infect him a little bit.

Seungmin and Jisung, who sat on the two desk to the young fox spirit's right side, where slightly confused by Jeongin's impatient behavior because normally he was the quietest and calmest of the three but he couldn't keep quiet or still today. He even messed up the spell they were currently learning multiple times, which was very unlike him.

"By the love of all gods. Yang Jeongin would you please focus. I know you can do better than that", Mr. Lee, a 25-year old warlock with white hair and dark brown eyes, called out when Jeongin messed up the spell again.

Jeongin mumbled a "Sorry" and wanted to try again but Mr. Lee walked up to his desk, which made the kitsune stop his current motion. "What's wrong, Jeongin? Normally you mastered a spell by now. Are you not feeling well? Did something happen?", Mr. Lee asked quietly so only Jeongin could properly understand him.

"Nothing happened", the blond boy answered while shaking his head lightly. Mr. Lee just released a breath. "Alright then", he said and moved so he stood behind Jeongin. "I know you normally don't need my help but guess today is an exception. Focus on what I am saying and do exactly what I instruct you to, alright?", the older warlock instructed. Jeongin nodded eagerly, hoping to finally get the spell right.

With the help of Mr. Lee, Jeongin finally focused and created a small portal like everybody else more or less. It took a bit of afford to stabilize the little portal since it was a lot of focused magic but Jeongin managed it just fine.

Mr. Lee patted his shoulder with a proud smile on his face and returned to the front of the class just as the bell rang.

"Good job everybody", Mr. Lee complimented the class. "Practice this spell at home a little bit so we can try to teleport things from one point to another with the help of the little portals but be very careful, alright?", he added and then dismissed everyone.

Jeongin quickly stuffed his things into his bag and then sprinted out of the classroom without much thought, which left Seungmin and Jisung kind of speechless for a moment. Yes, the younger just ditched them.


"What's up with him today?", Jisung mumbled. Seungmin just shrugged and shook his head. "I will follow him while you talk to Mr. Lee about your visions", the redhead reminded the other.

Jisung had told his best friend about his plan to talk to Mr. Lee about his visions just this morning and in all honesty Seungmin seemed to be very glad that the blue-haired warlock would finally do that since he had suggested it multiple times but Jisung refused because his vision never really showed anything up until now.

"Alright. See you in our society class then", Jisung answered. Seungmin nodded and ran out of the classroom in hopes of finding a certain blond kitsune.

Jisung walked up to Mr. Lee's desk who currently ordered some sheets into one of his folders. "Mr. Lee? Can I talk to you for a minute?", the young male asked, fidgeting with his fingers. "Sure you can but remember that it's just Minhyuk after the lessons. It don't like to be called Mr. Lee all the time. Makes me feel old", the older warlock chuckled and looked up to meet the Jisung's eyes. He smiled kindly like he did most of the time.

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