Chapter 90: My hope

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Not proofread and sadly short

Zendala grinned at Jisung, causing the young warlock's blood to start boiling. How dare she? How dare she cause so much pain and then stand in front of him with a grin plastered all over her face?

A rush of magic made itself known in Jisung's veins and he made no attempt to stop the ball of blue magic forming in his hands. This was all Zendala's fault. If it wasn't for her, non of this would have happened. Hyunjin wouldn't be mourning his mother's death, Jeongin would still have a mischievous smile on his face instead of an pained expression, Woosu's mother would still be alive, Minho and Felix wouldn't have had to go through the pain of almost loosing their parents and birth clan.

They would all be fine if it hadn't been for her.

"This is all your fault!," Jisung exploded, hurling the ball of pure blue magic at Zendala. The smile on the woman's face widen as she merely raised her hand to deflect the attack. The hunter behind her had tensed, his grip on his crimson blade tightening, but he relaxed again when the ball of blue magic disappeared before Zendala's hand.

Jisung breathed heavily, not knowing if it was from the rage boiling under his skin or his previous lack of air. He knew all too well how hyper aware of the situation Minho was next to him. He could feel unchecked anger, fear and nervousness roll of the other in waves, yet the older didn't flinch or retract once.

"Now that wasn't smart. I just came here for a little chat," Zendala mused, fixing her cloak absentmindedly and swiping a stray strain of dark blue hair behind her ear. The resemblance of Jisung's and her hair was shocking, despite already knowing this as a fact.

Jisung clenched his hands into fists when he realized once again just how similar their appearances were. They couldn't deny the blood they shared even if they wanted to, and oh how desperately Jisung wanted to deny it. Yet, it irritated him even more that Zendala made no move to attack them and claimed she wanted to talk only mere minutes after one of her hunters had murdered Ms. Hwang.

"I don't care if it was smart or not. All this fighting and death is your fault, so why do you think I even want to talk to you?," Jisung hissed, his balled fists calling upon his magic once more letting his hands glow blue.

Zendala's eyes dropped down to Jisung's fists for a short moment, the grin on her face unwavering. Internally Jisung prayed for someone to swoop in and take Zendala on while she was distracted. He knew he couldn't take her in a fight, she was too powerful for that, but he could distract her well enough for someone else to take their chance. The problem was that neither Seungmin nor Byungho were here, who could notify one of the stronger fighters to make this happen. Minho and Felix couldn't do anything because Zendala and the hunter at her side would notice and Hyunjin and Jeongin were in no position to fight and even if they were Jisung doubted they could conjure up a illusion strong enough to give them a chance at fighting them.

The only thing Jisung could do was continue to distract Zendala in hopes of an opportunity arising, or to give Jeongin and Hyunjin enough time to collect themselves and flee.

"You are probably well aware of this already, but you are my blood, Jisung," Zendala purred, grin becoming just a fraction wider, "Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?"

Jisung bit hard onto the inside of his cheeks, his sky blue eyes never leaving the ones of Zendala while his magic began to build itself up. He felt it crackling over his skin, breaking free into the cool night air, illuminating his form in a bright blue color. What felt like a life-time ago, Jisung would have thought he was having a with the amount of magic dancing over his arms, but his laser focus on Zendala and the anger boiling in his chest was reassurance enough. His magic was reflecting his rage and not trying to show him future events.

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