Chapter 9: Scary movie and pockys

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Hyunjin and Jeongin arrived at the Lee's house quite late mainly because Jeongin wasn't able to find his favorite pink sweater. In the end he found it in Hyunjin's closet. They had a little argument about that but got over it pretty quickly and made their way to the location Felix sent into the group chat. Both boys were excited to have this sleepover with their friends, maybe because it was their first one too. They also brought snacks with them, mainly Mikado and Pocky because Hyunjin and Jeongin loved those for no real reason.

"This is going to be great", Hyunjin squealed like a little child when they stood in front of the door and rung the bell. Jeongin just smiled at his cousin while the siren couldn't contain his excitement. The front door was opened by Felix, who rubbed his cat ears, not long after Hyunjin rung the bell.

"Please don't squeal so high Hyunjin. Cat ears are sensitive ya know", he complained. "Sorry", Hyunjin apologized but he couldn't wiped the happy smile of his face. This was the first sleepover he had been invited to without any intentions, so he was just overall thrilled.

"You are late", Hyunjin heard Chan yell from the living room. "Yeah we had a little incidence", Jeongin answered and looked at Hyunjin who immediately casted his gaze away from the younger. He totally didn't take Jeongin's pink sweater intentionally. No way he would never do that. Never crossed his mind.

Felix let the two inside and walked them to the living room after they had taken off their shoes and coats. Almost everyone was here already. Chan sat cross legged on one of the two mattresses on the ground, Byungho sat in one of the bean bags, that were scattered around the living room and Jisung was seated on the couch with Minho beside him. Felix went up to the couch and let himself fall on it. His head landed perfectly in Minho's lap. The older didn't even flinch in the slightest and just patted his brother's head casually.

"I am really wondering why a certain someone didn't go to school today", Jeongin commented and let himself fall on the mattresses on the ground after he put his bag down. The rest laughed at this, knowing fully well that the "certain someone" was Felix. The cat hybrid reacted to this by sticking out his tongue like a child.

Hyunjin looked around a bit noticing that Seungmin was missing. Sure the redhead hadn't been there when they pained the sleepover but he had hoped Byungho would bring him along but maybe he was just coming later.

"Will Seungmin come later or something?", Hyunjin asked after he sat down beside Jeongin and looked at Byungho for an answer. "He said and I quote: I will crash the party later", the oldest answered. "Meaning we can start a movie without him", Minho suggested almost instantly. Hyunjin wanted to protest at first but the rest agreed to the idea a little faster. 

They ended up starting to watch a horror movie because of Jeongin. The kitsune loved horror movies for a reason Hyunjin never understood. He talked everyone into agreeing on watching a rather new horror movie that just came out called "Nightmares". It was about a girl that had nightmares about a masked man that killed people every night. The girl endured those nightmares until she dreamed about the mask man murdering her family, which happened the next night.

Nobody really wanted to watch that movie, knowing that it was very graphic and had a lot of jump scares but Jeongin was very convincing. Nobody knew how he managed to talk everyone into watching the movie, not even Hyunjin and he had lived together with the younger his whole life.

The movie started with an already scary scene. Jisung and Felix were clinging onto Minho like they would be killed themselves if they let go of the older. The male with the light brown hair just sat between the two and tried to keep his cool but even he flinched at some points in the movie. Hyunjin hid behind Byungho because the older male seemed totally unbothered by all the scary stuff happening on screen, which he wasn't but he was good at hiding that he was slightly scared for Hyunjin's sake and also Chan's. The silver-haired wolf hybrid was clinging onto Byungho's arm and occasional hide his face in the older's shoulder. Jeongin was the only one who sat on his own and watched the movie with no fear and an almost creepy interest.

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