Chapter 3: Problems and new friends

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"Hey Hyunjin. Are you ready to go to school?", Jeongin asked Hyunjin as he entered the older boy's room. Hyunjin was still laying on his bed and not moving a muscle.

"No", the older male mumbled.

"But we need to go or Auntie will be mad at us again", Jeongin whined, puffing his cheeks a little. Hyunjin raised his head to look at his cousin.

"We have been at Miroh High for three weeks now and I already stopped counting how many love confessions I turned down", the siren deadpanned. Jeongin let his cheeks become normal again and sighed lightly before he sat down on the bed next to Hyunjin while the siren let his head hit the softness of his mattress. The kitsune already gave up on trying to get his cousin to stand up. He could teleport the two of them to school with the help of his magic powers anyway so why stressing about it? They still had more than twenty minutes of time before they needed to be at school.

"Do you know what's the absolute worst about all the confessions?", the siren continued to complain and turned his head to look at Jeongin again. The blond shook his head because he really had no clue.

"They all just like me because of my looks and my species. They think that I don't even notice that. I even heard some of them whisper in the halls that they think I need a lover because I am siren, which is absolutely ridiculous. What do they teach at Miroh High for them to think something like that?", Hyunjin mumbled but clearly loud enough for Jeongin to understand.

The fox spirit now felt sorry for Hyunjin. He had really hoped that his cousin's school life would change because of their school change but it seemed like the older would have to continue turning down love confessions and people trying to flirt with him at lunch. The siren suddenly wrapped his arms around the younger and laid his head on the blond's lap. Jeongin was used to this behavior of his cousin just patted his head casually.

After ten minutes of silence Hyunjin suddenly sat up. Jeongin blinked confused, having no idea what caused this sudden motion.

"We still need to go to school, don't we?", the siren asked more himself than Jeongin but the fox spirit still nodded as an answer. Hyunjin stood up even though he seemingly had no motivation to do so, which was evident in his sloppy movement.

"Then let's go", he sighed as he grabbed his backpack and Jeongin followed his example.

The two boys made use of Jeongin's teleportation ability to get to school. When they walked into the building a lot of eyes where immediately on them. Hyunjin tried very hard to ignore them but that just resulted in a faster walk and that his eyes didn't really leave the floor before him. Jeongin on the other hand was completely unbothered by the attention he was getting for being a kitsune and that was why he noticed that something was different. The people were acting different. Not towards him but towards Hyunjin. They looked at him and then whispered something to the person next to them but it was different from what the noticed the last three weeks. This made the kitsune curious. What were they talking about? He couldn't even tell if what they say was positive or negative but he guessed it was the latter.

The fox spirit was ripped out of his thoughts when Hyunjin crashed against him. Not because the siren tripped or something, no he was pushed by a vampire with brown hair and an arrogant look on his face. Jeongin luckily didn't fall back, which allowed him to catch Hyunjin and save him from letting his back hit the ground.

"What's your problem?", Jeongin barked at the vampire who pushed Hyunjin. He was ready to teach that arrogant brick a lesson if it was necessary.

"Your siren friend should be careful where he is going", the vampire said arrogantly. Jeongin thought about ripping that guys head off but ended up giving him a death glare.

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