Chapter 82: Tunnel vision

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Minho could hear the drumming of his heart in his chest when Byungho walked towards J.Seph to receive his mind link. Byungho may not be the leader of Stray Kids, but he was the one, who didn't loose the ability to talk like a human in the middle of a fight. Not being able to speak human words while being a wolf was literally the only thing that kept Chan from being the one with the mind link. After all, he was still the group's leader, Byungho was just the one responsible for the mind link stuff.

J.Seph laid his hand onto Byungho's head for a brief moment, but it felt like and eternity to Minho. The portal was right in front of them and they still had to wait to uphold an order. They were basically the last group to join the action and somehow it felt a lot longer than a minutes since Taeyong and GOT7 had disappeared into the swirl of violet magic.

Ever since Minho had gotten a glimpse of the two people Taeyong and Johnny brought out of the portal, all Minho could think about was finding his parents and hoping that they were luckier than the two severely injured NCT members. The cat hybrid could barely keep himself from pacing or shaking. His whole body burned with the desire to just dash forward, through the portal and begin the search.

At one point Felix had taken Minho's hand, keeping close to him, but the older male barely registered it. His eyes were fixated on the portal not far in front of him and he had only been distracted by Jisung's mop of dark blue hair once. It was the curse of his cat eyes that he could make out Jisung in this darkness.

The BTS group had entered the portal shortly after GOT7, closely followed by MonstaX, which left Jisung standing among some other magical creatures, which would stay back. Seungmin was probably among them too, but Minho didn't keep track of the whereabouts of the redhead at the moment.

A movement in the corner of the cat hybrid's vision, let Minho's gaze focus back on Byungho and J.Seph. Byungho had turned back to look at his group, but the movement Minho had registered came from Chan, who had walked up to the brunette while shifting into his wolf form.

The grey wolf halted beside Byungho, turning his head back to the two Lee brothers. The dark orbs, which were the wolf's eyes were calm, yet there was a hint of fear in them. Still, Chan tilted his head towards the portal, giving the signal to go. Without hesitation Minho nodded and with that the group passed J.Seph, barely registering the guardian wishing them good luck.

Minho walked beside Byungho with Chan and Felix close behind them. In the the formation they had agreed on Byungho and Minho would be the forerunner with Chan and Felix trailing close behind them. This meant Byungho and Minho would decide in the direction they were heading most of the time.

The group halted for a brief moment in front of the gigantic portal. The unwavering swirling of pure magic had transported a lot of creatures into the headquarter already, but no one of them what was truly on the other side of that portal.

Minho looked at Byungho, whose gaze was trained on the portal before he walked through it without any hesitation. Assuming that it was save to go through Minho followed the brunette with Chan and Felix hot on his heels.

The magic of the portal began to surround Minho and for a short moment the cat hybrid got the feeling he could actually feel the strong magic the portal was made of. Before he could dwell on the feeling his nose was pierced with the smell of blood. It was a foul smell that filled Minho's nostrils in no time, letting no other scent through. The cat hybrid had a hard time to not hold his nose in order to block out the scent.

The swirl of magic disappeared and Minho stepped into a small room just after Byungho. Minho felt like someone punched him in the gut when the stench of blood was followed by the smell of pure death. It made him nauseous and he had a hard time to keep it together. He bit down on his lower lip ever so slightly and forced himself to quickly observe the room.

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