Chapter 13: Ms. Hwang

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"Hwang Hyunjin, wake up this instant!" yelled Ms. Hwang angrily through the whole flat to get her son to wake up. Hyunjin was ripped out of dreamland by the voice of his mother. The young siren immediately knew that he nearly overslept again and didn't lose any time to get ready.

He threw the cover off himself, raced to his closet pulling out the first set of pants he could see along with a white shirt. As quick as a lighting did the siren hurry into the bathroom, quickly getting dressed and brushing his teeth. He fixed his hair in a hurry and quickly checked himself one last time before he left the bathroom.

Not even fifteen minutes after Ms. Hwang's yell was Hyunjin completely ready. It was unfair how the siren just threw on a simple white shirt and a normal pair of jeans but still managed to look like a model but you could call this the perks of being a siren. The male jogged into the kitchen where he guessed that his mother was currently, hoping that she wasn't too mad that he had overslept.

"I'm ready", he stated. Ms. Hwang stood in the middle of the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest and a stern expression on her face. Jeongin was nowhere to be seen, which was a surprise to Hyunjin. Normally the younger would wake him before his mother got angry and ... wait ... IT WAS SUNDAY NOT MONDAY.

Now the young siren was puzzled why his mother was angry at least until he saw the sheet of paper she held in her right hand. He realized he had a bigger problem than waking up late for school. This sheet of paper was the math test he had failed and wanted to hide from his mother.

"Care to explain why I found this maths test sticking out of your school bag?", Ms. Hwang asked sternly and waved the sheet around. At this moment Hyunjin wished he was a magic user, so he could shrink himself or make himself disappear in the floor. "I allowed you to go to your friend's house because I thought you didn't have any problems in school", she scolded.

"I-I just did bad at this one math test, I swear", Hyunjin slightly stammered, hoping his mother would believe him and let him off the hook. His mother still didn't look pleased but she never really did when she was wearing her work clothes, which consisted of a formal black jacket, a white button up, a tight-fitting black skirt and black high heels. She wore her long black hair put up in a bun and that made the stern expression on her pretty face stand out even stronger.

"You have to study harder", she said sternly. "I will. I already got a tutor for maths", Hyunjin responded while nodding eagerly. "And who is that?", Ms. Hwang asked calmly, crossing her arms over her chest with an raised eyebrow.

"An upperclassman. His name is Bang Chan and he is really good trust me", the young male answered, praying to all gods above heaven that his mother wouldn't continue to be this irritated. His mother seemed to think about what her son had said for a short minute then she just sighed, letting the irritated expression drop from her face and put Hyunjin's math test, which she still held in her hand on the kitchen table.

"Don't you dare to hide something like that from me ever again. Do we understand each other, Hyunjin?", she questioned her voice and expression stern once again but Hyunjin saw a little bit of a softness behind it.

Ms. Hwang wasn't a bad mother or person she was simply strict because she wanted her son to be better than his useless, cowardly father, who ditched his wife when she told him that she was pregnant with his child. But that wasn't the only reason. Ms. Hwang also wanted her son to be smarter than she was in her youth.

You see, Ms. Hwang was an extraordinary creature because she was a mixed blooded creature, which meant that she is half and half of two different types of supernatural creatures. In her case it was half siren, half kitsune.

Normally the blood of supernatural creatures was unable to mix. So if a siren and a kitsune had a child, it would normally be either a full blood siren or a full blood kitsune but in the case of Ms. Hwang and her twin brother, who also was Jeongin's father the blood was combined creating two very rare mixed blooded creatures.

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