Future Plans and Fun Facts!

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First off: I forgot to mention an important person in the acknowledgments! The cover for "We are Stray Kids" was drawn by the amazing linklover3000
It was honestly such an honor to have a fan art made for this story! Please do check out their amazing work on Insta (surrealxreality):D They deserve the support!

To the other important stuff: Future plans! How will I proceed? Well, as already announced in the comments section of the epilogue, there will be a sequel to "We are Stray Kids"! But before you start cheering it will take me some time to actually get it started. Initially I had an idea for a sequel, but I will do something a bit different. I will therefore take some time to get a proper plot going before diving into the sequel. It almost shames me to ask for your patience there. But, don't worry there will still be content!

Remember "Car accident"? The fic that has been sitting in the shadow of "We are Stray Kids" for a while. I will start actively working on it since it already has a solid story line planed. So be excited for that! (Though, I also understand if it is not your cup of tea! It's a dystopian novel, after all)

Now onto the fun part :D The fun facts!

- I did not fully plan "We are Stray Kids" beforehand. I knew I wanted to switch the Highschool setting for a war setting eventually, but that was about it. Especially at the beginning there was a lot of improvisation and just me messing around. A bit later on, when things got more plot heavy I planned chapter by chapter, but still allowed myself some improvisation. Some of which you will see now XD

- I have a little leather bound book I got for Christmas last year which I dedicated to "We are Stray Kids" There are a lot of things written about the story there. Some back story stuff and tons of scenes, some of which never made it into the book!

- I had a scene in my head where Changbin and Seungmin shared their first kiss in Changbin's castle in Yellow Wood. The scene never made it in because there has never been a situation where it fitted into the narrative.

- Changbin and Hyunjin's first kiss in the grotto was improvised and not really planned.

- Ms. Hwang was meant to really die, but I decided against it to spare Jeongin and Hyunjin the trauma of being orphaned (in Jeongin's case even the second time)

- I was never sure whether to kill Shiela and Zendala off or not. In Shiela's case I highly debated it but in the end didn't do it for the sake of the survival of whoever would have killed Shiela.

- Michael has a different name. The hunters are all given a new name when they become official hunters. The only exception is the Stone family (Reinhard, Lilian and her father)

- Lilian's father never got a name from me lol

- Jisung's uncle has been thrown into prison by the vampires for his connections with blood sucker rings :D

- Taeyong has three soulmates because I kinda ship him with every older member of NCT and couldn't decide

- Taeil and Mark are platonic soulmates but the only one who knows is Taeyong

- I highly debated killing off Mr. and Mrs. Lee (you slowly see a pattern there do you?)

- I considered making Jisung's visions Zendala's doing

- Jisung was always supposed to be a warlock chosen by destiny but the term 'seer' is kinda new XD

- To the spicy detail I talked about in connection with the sequel: The first draft of the sequel was about Seungmin going back in time to change the future, which has been derailed so much that they had no other choice. He would have started at the beginning of the book or when he had that weird panic moment where Byungho had to calm him down. But I abandoned the idea.

- Byungho going back in time was not really planned but I just did it for the sake of Seungmin having someone to talk to about it.

- Seungmin's moral compass has always been a bit messed up, but it only started to act out when he slowly became aware of it

- Wonpil is theoretically the crown prince of hell and would rule over it should Lilith ever die (which is unlikely)

- I considered implementing the plot point of Felix not being Minho's brother but cousin

- Zendala had Jisung with 19, making her the youngest of the mothers in the story

- I wanted to include Kai (of EXO) but decided against it last minute for no reason really

- I debated hard on letting Zendala take Jaehyun's wings

- Taeyong was not meant to play such a huge role in the book, but I enjoyed writing his POV so much I simply could not resist

Okay enough fun facts for now. I cannot think of more, but do let me know if you have questions. I would love to answer them :D (If necessary I can also do a Q&A chapter XD)

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