Chapter 35: Goodbye with consequences

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"Mum, do we really need to go?", Yedam whined when he saw his mother pack another box of the Bang's families belonging into the back of the family car. "I am sorry, Yedam. I know leaving your friends behind like that isn't easy for you but it will be safer at the pack's house than here", Mrs. Bang explained.

"Mum is right, Yedam", Chan agreed with his mother while coming out of the front door of their family's home with another box. He had heard their little talk from the inside of the house.

The young male with the black hair sighed, seemingly feeling a little bit betrayed by his older brother because he apparently had thought Chan would have his back in this matter because leaving Yellow Wood meant for him being farer away from Byungho, his destined mate.

What Yedam didn't know was that Chan was indeed very emotionally conflicted about leaving Yellow Wood for the obvious reasons being his mate and his dear friends but his head won over his heart this time even though his wolf side was almost screaming for his mate at this point.

The fall of the barrier had been three days ago and a lot of families already moved away from Yellow Wood, especially the ones who had animal traits like most hybrids or couldn't hide what they were like demi-dragons, elves and alas. Chan had already discussed the topic of moving away from Yellow Wood for a better safety in the group chat with his friends yesterday.

It was a disaster in all honesty because Jisung and Changbin were moving to Transylvania in two days, Felix and Minho had already left for the sky clan territory yesterday. The Lee brothers moving to their parent's clan had been the reason they discussed the issue in the group chat in the first place since it was far away. Hyunjin, Jeongin, Byungho and Seungmin had said they would stay in Yellow Wood as far as they knew.

Minho and Jisung were the ones, who had barely wrote anything into the group chat and if you believed Felix and Changbin those two had been sitting depressed in some corner while the topic was being discussed. Jeongin had been the one, who had tried to cheer everyone up with the fact that they could still communicate with each other over Skype no matter how far away they were from each other. It worked but only partly because nothing could really lift the mood in that matter.

Chan let a little sigh escape his lips when he had gone back into the house to get the box from his room. He would dearly miss his friends, who would always tease each other or joke around, which would make him smile and he would especially miss Byungho. Damn the gods, he already missed the other's adorable laugh, beautiful smile, kissable lips.

The wolf hybrid shook his head before his mind went completely south and focused on the task at hand, which was getting the last box of his belongings into the family's car but he couldn't keep his mind from wandering back to Byungho. The older male wouldn't even be able to say goodbye to him personally because he was stuck at home.

Chan didn't blame Byungho's parents for keeping their son somewhere safe, which in the older's case was his family's home. He would probably do the same if he was a parent, which was also the reason he didn't give his mother a hard time unlike Yedam.

The wolf hybrid was just saddened by the thought that he couldn't hug Byungho goodbye, since he didn't know when he would see the other again.

Once more a sigh escaped Chan's lips when he entered his bedroom, which looked unnaturally tidy since his most important belongs, which were usually scattered around the place were packed into two boxes. One of the boxes was still in the room, placed on the ground at the foot of the wolf hybrid's bed, just waiting to be picked up.

While walking over to the box, Chan looked around his room once more. He wouldn't get to see it anytime soon, so he could at least memorize some details like the little dark blue star, which hung by the window as long as Chan could remember or the black ink scratches on his desk.

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