Chapter 37: Smoke

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Jisung grew more anxious and worried the closer they got to the sky clan territory. The warlock couldn't see any kind of smoke yet but there was this gut feeling that told him something was about to happen any second.

Changbin wasn't doing any better as Jisung noted since he could more or less feel how tense the vampire prince was because the was still clinging onto him.

The street they were driving on got smaller and smaller but also more broken at some parts. Changbin had to slowdown because of the bad conditions it was in, which didn't help the teenagers with their current state of anxiety and immense worry for their friends.

The street ended with a little parking lot surrounded by trees, where three cars stood. Now Jisung regretted even more that he hadn't been able to say goodbye to Felix and Minho personally, when they left Yellow Wood because if he had done that he would know how their parents' car looked. This information could have been useful now.

The blue-haired male got off the motorcycle pretty fast after Changbin had let it come to a halt. He immediately untied Minho's blue hoodie, which had been wrapped around his waist for the whole ride here and already mumbled the searching spell.

While Jisung was mumbling the hoodie began to glow light blue and started floating in front of the warlock. In the meantime Changbin had parked the motorcycle properly and turned off the engine while watching his friend work. He was surprised how clam Jisung had become while mumbling the searching spell but it didn't last.

When the warlock was finished with the spell and the hoodie began to float away on its own he seemed scared again. Scared for his friends' safety even though neither Jisung nor Changbin had seen smoke or anything that would suggest there was a fire nearby. Maybe they arrived early enough?

"How fast does this thing float?", Changbin asked after joining Jisung's side. Both of them started walking after the blue hoodie after, which was floating into the forest. "I don't really know. I never tested the speed of this kind of spell", Jisung admitted while nervously playing with the sleeves of his coat.

"Let's find out then", Changbin said and jogged in front of the warlock, so he could climb onto the vampire's back. Jisung found no argument against using Changbin's supernatural speed to their advantage, if the spell reacted to it. With a little bit of a hesitation Jisung climbed onto Changbin's back. He was a little bit worried about his weight but then he remembered that vampires had supernatural strength just like werwolves.

"Ready?", Changbin asked without letting the floating hoodie out of his eyes. "Yeah", Jisung said, wrapping his arms around the other's neck because for the gods' sake he didn't want to fall down when Changbin ran around the forest with his incredible speed.

Rather slowly for a vampire did Changbin run towards the floating hoodie, testing if it reacted when Jisung was closer. The hoodie suddenly surged forward when Changbin was beside it. "It does work", Changbin stated and he began to chase the hoodie with his full supernatural speed.

Jisung was clinging onto the vampire in hopes of not falling down but suddenly the warlock felt a wave of magic energy wash over the forest, which automatically made him yell: "Changbin, stop"

The vampire immediately stopped running, coming to a stop rather abruptly. At the almost same time the hoodie dropped to the ground like it had never been floating but that was the least concern Jisung had at the moment. He jumped off Changbin's back and looked around while his friend was obviously confused.

There was still some magic lingering in the air but it was already fading. "There was a kind of magic wave that washed over the whole forest", Jisung told Changbin, who had already opened his mouth to ask what was going on but now closed it again because his question was more or less answered.

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