Chapter 34: Preparations

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Byungho stared out of his room's window absentmindedly. He was seated on the windowsill with his back leaning onto the wall. Outside were snowflakes who seemingly danced from the sky to the already in white covered ground of the Kim mansion's garden.

The male with the brown hair wasn't focusing on the snowflakes though, no his gaze was focused on one specific spot a little above the garden, where you could see a sort of light blue glimmer. This little glimmer was the only thing you could see from the barrier, which protected the mansion.

Only yesterday when Byungho was brought home safely by his mother along with Seungmin had he accidentally overheard a conversation between Athea and his father, which revealed to him that his so called home had not only barriers that kept intruders away but also one that could protect the mansion from being seen as something supernatural by humans. It basically meant that for the human eye the mansion now looked abandoned while in reality nothing had changed at all.

This barrier was probably one of the few benefits of having the devil as your father. After all he was a very powerful sorcerer and wanted his home to be well protected from everything, that was why he created this barrier and gave Athea the power to activate and deactivate it.

But the aftereffect of this barrier along with the current situation was that none of the Kim siblings were allowed to go outside if it wasn't absolutely necessary, not even Byungho and he probably had the most understanding mother.

Eve was very worried about her son and family because not even she, as an angle, had foreseen the sudden fall of the barrier, that kept the supernatural world hidden for centuries. Lucifer wasn't any better. He seemed to be on the edge as well as stressed beyond compare but nobody knew why and this resulted in a rather tense and uncomfortable atmosphere within the mansion. It was suffocating in Byungho's opinion.

He has never seen his parents this stressed and worried but some part of him was too afraid to ask them what was really wrong because he didn't believe it was only the fall of the barrier that caused their strange behavior.

His brothers weren't really relaxed either. Samuel was stuck to his mother, whose presence was the biggest comfort to him, Woosu had to be his mother's assistant most of the time, Wonpil and Seungmin seemed just overall nervous and anxious. There was just no one in this household Byungho could spend time with, without having to be reminded what was going on outside of the mansion.

Byungho also asked himself why none of the powerful creatures of his family like his father, mother or Lilith seemed to plan on doing something against the exposure of the supernatural world to the human one. They seemed to just accept it like a fact, that couldn't be changed no matter what you did.

A sudden 'bing' sound ripped Byungho out of his thoughts and made him flinch a little but it was only his phone which laid on his nightstand. The male shook his head lightly, pushing all the frightening thoughts in the back of his mind. He stood up from his current place on the windowsill and walked over to his nightstand, so he could look at the notification he got.

As soon as he saw that the notification was from the emergency news website of the supernatural world he felt uneasy and anxious once more. The title read "Important information for every creature. The barrier has fallen" and it made Byungho's chest tighten.

Good thing Byungho could lie like a demon because he surely had done that when he told his friends everything would be fine.


Felix sleepily walked down the stairs into the living room. He had only slept around three hours last night because he stayed awake until his mother had arrived at home around four in the morning and then he hadn't slept properly because there was this anxious feeling clawing in his chest.

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