Chapter 10: Brunch

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The next morning arrived and Jeongin was the first one to wake up. Felix still hugged him close and if Jeongin was honest to himself it felt nice being wrapped up in someone's arms but the kitsune wouldn't admit that to anyone, so despite being comfortable he wiggled out of Felix's embrace and sat up to look around. He noticed that he was the only one awake. The Kim brothers still slept soundly on the couch, Chan was curled up on one of the bean bags with his eyes still closed and a blanket draped over him and Hyunjin, Jisung and Minho slept on the big mattress next to the one, that was occupied by Felix and Jeongin. It was funny to see how Hyunjin had an arm put over Jisung while the warlock was cuddled into Minho's side.

If Jeongin knew where his phone was he would have made a picture of them but the living room still looked like a battlefield from the pillow fight so he just hoped it was in his bag and not buried under pillows and bean bags or accidentally crushed by someone.

The young fox spirit looked around to find a clock or something else, that would tell him the time since he wanted to know how late it was. He found a digital clock just above the TV. It read '10:46 am' in bold red letters. The blond sighed and let himself fall back onto the mattress. He thought about cuddling up to Felix again and pretending that he never woke up but in the moment he considered doing it the ginger cat hybrid stirred because the warm body he had been cuddling all night was gone.

"Jeongin? Are you awake already?", Felix asked in a deep, raspy voice. The kitsune slightly flinched because he was ripped out of his thoughts and he wasn't used to Felix's morning voice. He knew that the cat hybrid had a voice that was deeper than average, which didn't match his cute freckled face but right now he sounded like he had crawled out of the depths of hell.

"Woke up around ten minutes ago", the blond answered calmly after his initial shock was over and looked at the young cat hybrid, who was laying beside him. The orange-haired male smiled sleepily at the youngest of the group and it was somehow confusing for the kitsune, who felt like he heard a demon talk but then saw an angel smiling at him. After all Felix looked and acted like the personification of a sunshine and his smile was just as bright as the sun itself.

Felix cleared his throat and sat up glancing at the clock above the Tv for a brief moment before focusing back on the kitsune. "Wanna make brunch for everybody? Since it's a bit late for breakfast", the cat hybrid asked in a now less raspy voice but it was still deeper than usual. Jeongin nodded, not really knowing what to say if he was honest and carefully stood up, so he wouldn't accidentally step on someone. Felix did the same just more gracefully than Jeongin and the two made their way to the kitchen. The orange-haired cat hybrid closed the door of the dining room that lead to the living room and also the door that lead from the kitchen to the little entrance hall.

"Now we can burn down the kitchen without the others noticing", Felix joked and Jeongin chuckled at the older's comment. The two started to make brunch for everyone. They settled on pancakes and some fresh, warm breads with marmalade and talked a bit while preparing all that. After a while of just talking over the gods know what, they started to discuss the pocky game from yesterday.

"I was super surprised when I saw how calm you were literally every time it was your turn", Felix commented when he finished preparing the dough for the pancakes. "If I'm honest I just pretended to be calm and collected but I really wasn't on the inside", Jeongin chuckled and looked at the breads they put into the oven so they would be warm when the rest woke up. When Jeongin was good at something then it was tricking people into thinking he was a calm and collected person, that alway kept a cool head in every situation while in reality he was often nervous and a little scared.

Felix looked like he had been fooled by that too, since surprise was written all over his freckled face, making the kitsune laugh a little bit at him. "I am a kitsune. I am good at pretending and I can trick anyone into believing my lies", the blond explained with a mischievous grin on his lips. Felix scrunched up his nose in thought and turned his attention back on making the dough to actual pancakes.

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