Chapter 52: Stray Kids

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Byungho slowly woke up from the slumber he hadn't realized he fell into. He blinked a few times to adjust his eyes to being opened again and then was met with the sight of a still sleeping Chan. The silver-haired male looked very peaceful and at ease as the brunette noted but it still pained him to see his boyfriend in this situation.

A sigh escaped the brown-haired male's lips when he slowly raised his head from his position on the edge of Chan's bed. Byungho mustered his boyfriend to check if he seemed in pain or anything but the wolf hybrid was nothing but relaxed. His chest rise and fell with his even and regular breaths. There was just no sign of him being in pain.

"Seems like my magic really worked well", Byungho mumbled to no one in particular while stroking his thump over Chan's knuckles. He hadn't let go of the wolf hybrid's hand since the silver-haired male had been laid down onto the bed, maybe because a part of Byungho felt like if he did Chan would just disappear and never come back.

The brunette gritted his teeth a little while thinking back to the battle at the Moon Pack, how Chan fell limply into his arms after being almost killed by a huntress with a poised dagger made of silver. Even though Byungho wasn't a violent person he really wished he had done more than just sweep the huntress off her feet and blow her far away with his wings.

For once in his life Byungho was really thankful for his gigantic, black wings because they had served as an efficient shield and easy accessible but not necessarily harmful weapon. He was also very glad he inherited enough of his mother's angel powers to immediately treat Chan's wounds efficiently. The wolf hybrid won't even have scars if he didn't shift or exercises for the next few days.

Byungho's eyes once again scanned over Chan's unmoving form. He wished he had reached the other earlier, so the other male would have been unharmed. Despite having his mother's angelic healing powers Byungho now wished he also had inherited the ability to protect one specific person with a special kind of angelic shield. His mother had once briefly mentioned this kind of angel magic but had never talked of it again. She probably had realized that Byungho didn't have this kind of power and therefore didn't want to accidentally rub it into his face. Not having this special ability was most likely the tribute of Byungho's demon side.

Byungho heaved out another sigh, getting his thoughts back to the current situation. There was no point in wishing for an ability he will never be able to learn. The brunette took his eyes off Chan after checking the other's state one last time to search the room for a clock or something else that would tell him the time since he knew his phone was in his bag. Mentioned bag was still in the training hall's changing room where he had left it when he arrived at the headquarter.

When the brunette male turned a bit to look over his shoulder he noticed how a blanket fell down. A little surprised, Byungho picked up the blanket with his free hand since the other was still occupied with holding Chan's as gently as possible.

The brunette wondered, who had entered the room to put a blanket onto him since Mrs. Bang and Yedam, who had stayed with him an Chan for a while left before he fell asleep. He checked the room's walls again and noted after one minute of looking around aimlessly that there really was no clock in here but something else caught brunette's attention.

There was a tray on the little shelf besides the door with two plates with sandwiches on it along with a very familiar little device and a little note. The room was rather small, so Byungho just needed to stretch a bit to get hold of the familiar looking device and the little note. Turns out the little device was Byungho's phone.

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