Chapter 6: About families and deals

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"Hyung", Felix called for his brother. Minho was downstairs but heard his brother, who was in his room, anyway because of his cat ears. Minho was doing his school work on the dining table because he had more space there than on his desk in his room. He sighed after hearing his brother yell for him but still got up to walk upstairs to his brother's room.

"What's wrong, Felix?", Minho asked, while he was opening the door to the younger's room. Felix sat up on his bed, looking like a mess. His orange hair stuck in every direction and his cheeks had a sick red tint while his eyes weren't even fully open. The younger cat hybrid reached his arms out.

"I want to cuddle", he whined like a little child.

"Felix you are sick. I will probably get sick too if I cuddle with you", Minho chuckled and leaned on the door's frame. Felix pouted and let his arms drop again. The older sighed and walked over to Felix to his finger's run through his brother's messy hair. Felix leaned into the touch like a cat and closed his eyes, letting a soft purring sound erupt from his throat. Minho couldn't help but lightly smile at this action but judging by the younger's messy and also a bit greasy hair he could use a shower. Maybe also something light to eat afterwards.

"You should shower and change your clothes. I will make something to eat in the meantime", Minho suggested and took his hand out of Felix's hair. The younger murmured a little bit when Minho stopped running his fingers through his hair and tiredly nodded. He threw the covers to one side and robbed to the edge of his bed. Minho chuckled lightly at his brother before he walked downstairs again. He went into the kitchen and looked around. What could he possibly cook for his sick little brother? He settled on a simple noodle soup since it was easy to make. Felix came downstairs after twenty minutes in new clothes and with damp hair.

"Taking a shower was a good idea, hyung", he commented when he walked into the kitchen.

"I know", Minho grinned when he turned off the stove because the noodle soup was finished.

The two brothers ate together and decided to watch a movie in the living room after Felix took his medicine. The younger cuddled up to Minho in the middle of the movie and the older did nothing against it, despite his previous argument. Before the movie had finished Felix fell asleep, covered in a soft blanket and comfortably curled up on Minho's side. The older had let his hand run through the younger's orange hair throughout half of the movie, which had caused Felix to lightly purr again but now it had died down, meaning Felix was sleeping like a rock.

Minho grabbed the remote with his free hand and turned off the TV. He looked down to his sleeping brother, who looked like an little angel while wandering in dreamland. But seeing his little brother sleep so peacefully left Minho with only two options: He could stay in his current position and try to sleep too, which would probably result in a lot of neck pain tomorrow or he could try to lift Felix up and carry him to his room without waking him. The older cat hybrid went for the second option because he was pretty sure that Felix wouldn't wake up even when the house was lit on fire. He carefully detached himself from Felix and picked the younger up like a bride. The older male carried Felix to his room and tucked him into bed before going to his own room.

The cat hybrid changed into his pajama and crawled into his bed. He took his phone from his nightstand and turned the display on. It showed that his mother messaged him, asking how Felix was doing now and if the medicine she had suggested helped. Minho tipped in his password and opened the chat with his mother to write her that the medicine really helped Felix and that he was now sleeping like a rock. After he pressed send he looked through his other chats. In the chat with all of his school friends were just a lot of get well soon wishes for Felix.

Minho noticed that Jisung didn't text him anything today. Normally he would text him literally everything he did. Maybe the warlock went to bed after he arrived at his house? He must have been pretty exhausted after all. The cat hybrid decided to ask the warlock tomorrow. He turned his phone off and put it on his nightstand before he let his tiredness take over him.

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