Chapter 57: The past and the future

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Changbin let out a frustrated groan when the book of vampires continued to show him the profiles of only vampires. "That is not what I want, you stupid book", he yelled, suppressing the need to punch something. He has been trying for hours to somehow unlock the artifact's true potential but nothing was working. No matter how hard he tried the book would continue to show him only vampire profiles.

"Hyung, please calm down. Getting angry won't make it do what you want", Jisung chimed in. The blue-haired warlock had been with Changbin for the past few hours, trying to somehow help his friend even though the pages of the book were blank for him. He couldn't see the profiles that could be projected into the air nor could he read the names, which showed up on the pages. For him the book just magically skipped through his own pages when Changbin said a name.

The warlock had basically no clue why he was even here since the vampire only told him that he needed his help. Changbin did explain to his friends that he needed to find Kim Eve, Kim Athea and Hwang Minji and therefore needed to unlock an old vampire artifact but he did that very quickly without much detail. Luckily, thanks to Hyunjin, Jeongin, Jisung and Chan they found out who Kim Eve, Kim Athea and Hwang Minji were just by talking a bit.

Kim Eve was Byungho's mother, Kim Athea was the mother of Seungmin's and Byungho's half brother Kim Minseok aka Woosu and Hwang Minji was Hyunjin's mother and Jeongin's aunt. After getting that information NCT already send some people out to get them to come to the headquarter but they haven't returned yet as far as Jisung and Changbin knew. The two had been staying in the little meeting room with the book of vampires for hours now.

The little list, which was predicted by Jisung without him knowing should stay a secret between Changbin and Taeil since they wanted to avoid any kind of panic but the vampire prince suspected that the guardian had told the people, who needed to know it for rather obvious reasons. After all nobody would randomly start searching for three different person without a solid reason. The "official" explanation for this search was rather simple because Taeil had told the members of Stray Kids that they just needed to get those three persons to the headquarter because there was a possibility they could be targeted by the hunters. Technically this wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either.

Taeil and Changbin had one very important agreement though, which was not telling the rest of the members of Stray Kids of this possible death list to prevent them from panicking. Especially Minho shouldn't be told this because it could cause extreme paranoia and would probably affect everyone in his surroundings negatively, which was an reasonable argument.

Changbin let out a frustrated huff and stopped the nervous pacing he had fallen into after getting frustrated with the book of vampires. Jisung was right getting angry and irritated didn't help him at all. He looked out of the window where you could see the night sky. The stars lit up the dark night and helped Changbin clear his mind. A part of the vampire wished Seungmin was here since the redhead could read the book of vampires and always seemed to find a solution to everything.

"Everything okay, hyung?", Jisung asked worriedly. Changbin heard the other approaching and then felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He was glad he wasn't alone here because he would go nuts otherwise. Jisung was the only non-vampire person, who knew of the book of vampires for a valid reason. After all, the warlock was technically (and in Changbin's mind practically) part of the Seo family.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just want to figure out how to use the full potential of the book as fast as possible, so we can get information on every hunter we come across and hopefully this Zendala too", Changbin answered, still looking up to the stars. Taeil had reminded him of this ability he should have according to his mother. It sounded stupid but it was true. Even under the influence of the Red Glow Changbin's head had been occupied with actively trying to block everything bad out, it never occurred to him to try unlocking the book of vampires.

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