Chapter 77: Tomorrow's event

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"Do it again, hyung. Do it again", Mika, the little wolf hybrid boy Jeongin had on his back, cheered, wanting the kitsune to teleport them through the hall again. Jeongin lost count of the many times the little boy had asked him to do this simple trick, but he was all ways so enthusiastic about it that the kitsune couldn't say no to him.

"Alright but it's the last time for real. We need to practice different things too", Jeongin replied, fixing his hold on the young boy a little bit.

"Understood", Mika cheered and put his little arms around Jeongin's neck. The kitsune smiled a little bit at the gesture. It was just cute to the blond for no reason.

Without further warning, Jeongin teleported himself and the little boy across the hall to the point where he had seen Hyunjin train - or should he rather say play - with a bunch of kids. When Jeongin appeared out of nowhere beside the siren and the kids he had been playing with, they jumped back in fright before they realized it was just Jeongin. Still, Hyunjin didn't miss to exaggerate his reaction and had made an almost ridiculous wide jump to the side. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Really, hyung? Shouldn't you be used to it?", Jeongin asked his cousin with an raised eyebrow.

"You can never get used to something like that", the siren retorted and slowly recovered from his shock. The whole scene earned them some giggles from the children nearby.

Jeongin huffed and kneeled down, so Mika could get off his back more easily. The young wolf hybrid with the wild, curly brown hair slipped off the kitsune's back and waddled over to his friends while giggling. It drew a light smile onto Jeongin's face to see the children being so happy over such small things.

The kitsune wanted to turn to his cousin and suggest a serious training session with one of the older wolf hybrids and werewolves here like Yedam, but that was interrupted by someone calling for everyone's attention.

"Could I have everyone's attention, please? I have an announcement to make", the familiar voice of Kun echoed through the hall. Jeongin turned his head around, seeing the werewolf with the brown hair, standing at the hall's entrance. A worried mumble went through the hall, but it slowly became quiet. Kun waited for a short moment and took a breath before he raised his voice again.

"I will get straight to the point. The date for the rescue mission has been set for tomorrow", the werewolf began. Jeongin felt like all the air had been sucked out of his lungs after hearing this. Why did they want to go through with the rescue mission tomorrow? What had happen that caused this sudden decision?

"Taeyong has assigned me the task of informing you about this, but also about the things you should do in the worst case scenario. If on the day after tomorrow no one, who participated in the rescue mission, returns, then the operation has failed. In that case everyone, who is still in the NCT headquarter, has to abandon this place as fast as possible for safety reasons", Kun continued and Jeongin couldn't do more than stare at the werewolf with the brown hair from afar, not knowing how else to react.

"Mrs. Keon Hana will be the one you can turn to should the situation get messy", the werewolf went on, gesturing to the woman in the wheelchair. Next to her stood Ms. Hwang, who seemed as calm as always like she knew this was bound to happen. Maybe Jeongin's aunt had been more aware of the current situation and the plans of the rescue mission than the young kitsune has thought.

"Mrs. Keon will get into contact with Seventeen, a guardian group and ally of NCT, if the rescue mission fails. The members of Seventeen will make sure you all get out of here safely and to a place where no human will ever find you", Kun continued.

"The most important thing about this is that whatever happens on the rescue mission, do not try to come after any participating creature, no matter the danger they might be in. We want to rescue the people captured by the hunters and not endanger more than necessary. Currently we are rather confident that the rescue mission will succeed", the werewolf ended his little speech.

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