Chapter 26: Cut

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Today was Christmas Eve. A day were families came together and celebrated the birth of the gods' mortal son, to celebrate the love within a family and to strengthen the relationships between each and every creature. Sadly not everyone had something he would call family. That was why Han Jisung walked around the Young Wing Park. Alone.

His uncle had left this morning and Jisung knew he wasn't coming back until tomorrow. He had no idea were his uncle went but the young warlock didn't really care either.

Jisung had his hands buried in the pockets of his coat and his nose and mouth were covered by his scarf. He walked through the park without having a real goal but he couldn't help but notice how nearly nobody was here. Occasionally there were some children with there parents but the warlock avoided them, knowing that it would hurt him to see the fond looks in the eyes of the parents when they watch there children play happily in the snow.

A sign escaped the warlock's lips. Sometimes he wished he knew how it was to be a happy child with parents, who loved him with all their heart. Without really realizing it, he gripped onto the phone in his coat's pocket a little harder. He had sent messages back and forth with Minho before he went on his walk but the older had to prepare some things with his parents for Christmas Eve. Jisung had pretended to be fine and even lied about having to prepare for Christmas Eve too.

Jisung was aware of the fact, that only Seungmin knew nearly everything about his family. Of course at some point he mentioned that he was living with his uncle but he never explained the why and how. Meaning Minho and the rest of his friends were still pretty much in the dark about his family situation.

And again a sigh left the young warlock's lips. He considered telling Minho everything about him at some point but he was too scared to do it just yet. He continued to think about things like that while strolling through the Young Wing Park.

Suddenly Jisung felt a changed in the atmosphere around him. It ripped him out of his thoughts and made him look around. A lot more people were now in the park but they all looked normal. No one of them had animal ears, wings, a tail, different colored hair or glowing eyes.

They looked more human than a supernatural creature ...

Some children were playing in the snow not far from Jisung, while being watched by some adults. A young pair walked around hand in hand and a woman, who was obviously busy talking to someone on her phone while also holding her little daughter's hand, stood only some feet away from Jisung. They all looked like human. There just was no sign of animal traits, special eyes or something like that. Besides they all came out of nowhere like someone changed the scene!

"Look mummy that boy with the blue hair came out of nowhere", the little girl, which was holding her mother's hand said and tugged at the woman's coat to get her attention while also pointing at Jisung. The warlock began to slowly panic, feeling his heartbeat speed up to the point where he could hear it in his ears.

This was just a bad dream, right? He didn't walk through the barrier that hid and protected his world, right? This girl was just joking, right?

The mother looked to Jisung without putting the phone away from her ear. Her eyes were normal shade of dark brown, she was surely not supernatural creature. Out of panic Jisung swirled around and walk back were he came from in hopes of this just not being real but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed a small cut in the air. He stared at the little cut like it told him the secrets of the universe.

"I am in the human world", was the only thought in his head while staring at the little cut. Jisung knew this little slit in mid air was a cut in the barrier, which was supposed to hide his world because he could feel strong magical energy radiating from it. What should he do? He couldn't just go through the little cut again because he would disappear in front of the eyes of a bunch of humans, which could have fatal consequences for the whole supernatural world.

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