Chapter 94: Future allies

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Weapons smashing relentlessly against golden and divine white magic without even scratching the sleek surface of the shield. The young hunters tried their best to break through the barrier that was in between them and their enemy.

Meanwhile, Byungho almost felt like he could relax. There was no way for the hunters to get through his newly reinforced shields that surrounded him and Chan like a bubble. The brunet almost wanted to smile at his new power.

The golden ring on his pinky was pleasantly warm and the divine white of his mother's magic was webbed into his own golden one like they had always been together. It felt good to have this much power at his disposal to protect the ones he loved.

Chan was situated beside him. His dark brown wolf eyes were wide with wonder and fear alike. The wonder stemmed from the sheer amount of magic Byungho suddenly commanded and the fear from the relentless attacks of the young hunter group.

Metal clashed against pure magic and Byungho wondered how long it would take for the hunters' weapons to break. If they stood before Byungho's shields with broken weapons it would surely extinguish the last bit of hope they had burning in their hearts for their crystals to work and break the magic apart. Some of the young hunters in the back of the group already had glimpses of utter hopelessness in their eyes. Byungho hated it because among the ever consuming void of hopelessness was fear. They were afraid of Chan and him, so they made offense their defense from the unknown. Part of Byungho wished he could just talk them out of fighting, but not even Michael, one of their own, had managed that.

Speaking of Michael, Byungho still had no clue what had happened and why he was brought back nearer to the clearing. He had no clue if time had really been turned back or if it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Maybe his mother had just teleported him to another location after they had sealed their deal. Yet for a brief moment he had had the mind link back only for it to break again. That couldn't be a coincidence could it?

He would have asked Chan what had happened and if they had met a young hunter named Michael, but the other couldn't properly answer. It was one of his wolf form's disadvantages and the last thing Byungho would want was to force the other out of his defensive stance for a response.

"Hyung, I need you to create a linked portal with me as soon as you can. I will be reaching out to you the whole time, so you can choose the timing that's most beneficial for you. Hope you're safe," Seungmin's voice echoed through Byungho's skull. It shot a bolt of lightning through Byungho's body when he remembered that Seungmin had called out to him shortly before his mother had pulled him from reality and into the weird dark in between. Back then had sounded desperate and hurt, but now he was calm and focused with an obvious plan in mind. The contrast made Byungho almost shiver. What had happened while he was with his mother - or at the very least an image of his mother. A very realistic image.

Byungho shook his thoughts away, eyes focusing back on the young hunters and huntresses still bashing against his shields. The golden and divine white magic was holding up nicely, so he surely could create a linked portal with Seungmin and hopefully reunite with his younger brother.

A snout was pressed into his upper thigh, letting the brunet's gaze drop down to Chan. The grey wolf was looking up at him with mild worry in his eyes. Byungho's hand landed almost automatically on the wolf hybrid's head. How Chan managed to always sense when something was up with him remained a miracle.

"I'm alright. Just got an opportunity to get us out of here," Byungho answered, patting the wolf's head gently. Chan let out an affirmative huff, but remained in his spot, not moving away an inch.

A rather aggressive hit on the barrier above their head let Byungho and Chan's eyes snap upwards. On top of the cluster of barriers was Lilian. Half of her face was still covered by a face mask yet you didn't need to see the entirety of her expressions to know that she wanted Byungho and Chan dead.

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