Chapter 36: Nightmare

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Flames licked at the nearby trees while the few houses Jisung could see were already fully on fire. They were already crumbling and collapsing into each other while the little inferno made it's way to the forest to destroy every last bit of life that was in it.

Jisung could only watch the uncontrollable flames, breath in the disgusting smoke, feel the incredible heat of the flames on his skin and hear the agonizing screams of people, who were trapped in the flames, burning to death while he couldn't move an inch. His feet seemed to be glued to the ground and it didn't matter how hard he tried to run away he was stuck in place.

Once again the warlock tried to use his magic to free himself but nothing was working. Casting a spell was also no option because he couldn't even cry out for help if he wanted to, he had tried it already.

He was left standing in the middle of what was once a little field with flowers but now it stood in flames. Slowly the fire came closer and closer to Jisung like it was enjoying his suffering and seeing the tears that ran down his cheeks, which disappear with a hiss when they fell down onto the hot ground.

The warlock tried pulling his legs up again and failed once more. He frantically looked around and tried calling out for help once more but he stopped when he saw a familiar pair of orange cat ears through the chaos that was surrounding him.

His heart was hammering against his chest when he noticed that the owner of those cat ears was buried under a fallen but still burning tree. They didn't move an inch, so even though Jisung had no voice, was stuck in place and no other option than to watch, he tried to call out to the person.

"Felix!" he screamed the cat hybrid's name. With that everything seemed to crash and break down while the warlock's vision became black.

Jisung jolted up from his laying position on his bed. His breathing was fast and heavy like he just ran a marathon, his cloths were sticking to his body because of the cold sweat he was bathed in, his vision was blurry from the tears that were streaming down his face and it took his mind way too long to realize that Changbin was sitting directly in front of him.

"H-hyung", the warlock stuttered out and Changbin immediately hugged the younger because his tone alone sounded so vulnerable and scared it would have let anyone's protective instinct kick in instantly. Jisung let himself slump against the vampire prince's warm embrace and tried to calm down from his nightmare. Was it even a nightmare?

"You scared me, Jisung", Changbin mumbled into the warlock's blue hair. "What kind of dream makes you cry out for help and then scream for Felix?", the vampire continued while rubbing the warlock's back comfortingly but then he stopped when a rather scary thought crossed his mind. "Was it a clear up part from your vision?", the vampire prince asked with a badly hidden fear in his voice.

Jisung didn't know how but Changbin became an expert for visions overnight, which could come in handy but it was a little frustrating since the blue-haired warlock had to read a lot of books to figure out at least something about his visions but he had to admit the vampire prince's question was a good one.

"To the gods I hope not. I was in the middle of a fire, watching everything burn to the ground while being able to do nothing and then I saw a pair of orange cat ears, which looked exactly like Felix's and ...", a light sob cut Jisung's explanation off, which caused Changbin to continued his soothing rubbing of the other's back.

Jisung took a deep breath before he continued to talk. "I don't know if that was a nightmare or a vision because myself was in it. I saw my legs, arms, everything but I couldn't move or talk. Normally my visions clear up randomly while I'm awake. I can see other people and surroundings but never myself", the warlock then continued.

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