Chapter 39: Lost and Found

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Changbin didn't know when but at some point the adrenaline, which had been running through his veins wore off. He slowly stopped running, being completely out of breath, which caused Felix to look at him even more scared and worried than before.

The vampire prince noticed this and brought out a "I am fine" between heavy breaths. The ginger he still held in his arms like a bride was completely unconvinced. "You are clearly not fine", Felix shot back and wiggled out of Changbin's grip, finally standing on his own two legs again after nearly experiencing a smoke poisoning.

Changbin couldn't say anything to that since he still tried to catch his breath almost desperately. His legs slowly began to feel numb and heavy because the last bits of adrenaline where gone by now, leaving the vampire even weaker. Suddenly his legs broke away under his weigh without warning but Felix noticed it early enough to catch Changbin by wrapping his arms around the black-haired male's torso when he more or less fell into him.

"What's wrong, Changbin-hyung? Why did we run away all of the sudden?" Felix asked slowly beginning to panic while anxiety was eating away at him. He understood nothing. Not long ago everything at least seemed fine, he was goofing around with Minho and now he was the gods knew where with no knowledge about the whereabouts of his family.

Unconsciously Felix tightened his grip on his vampire friend, the only one he knew was alive and well at this very moment. "I don't know what's going on and I'm scared", the young cat hybrid admitted with a wobble in his voice while slowly his eyes began to fill themselves with tears. Changbin laid almost limply in the younger boy's arms, still trying to calm his breathing while searching for the last bit of energy he had in his body.

"Felix...", the vampire finally got out while still panting a little. Slowly, the vampire prince tried standing on his own again but the he wasn't planning on getting out of Felix's grip, no, when he finally stood upright again he sneaked his arms around the other's waist, hugging him. Changbin was still kind of leaning onto the ginger, so he wouldn't fall but neither really cared because they needed this kind of comfort at this moment.

Felix tried to stay calm but he was afraid, confused and wanted nothing more than everything to just be a bad dream. He wanted to be woken up by his mother calling Minho and him for breakfast, he wanted to open his eyes and see the familiar walls of his bedroom while still being cuddled up under a fuzzy blanket with his older brother.

"It's okay. We will be fine", Changbin said but he wasn't even sure himself. Goddamn it he still needed to tell Felix what had happened to his mother the entire sky clan and where the hell was Jisung? Did the warlock find Minho? Wait, those humans that captured Minho were probably hunters too! Why hadn't Changbin notice that sooner? Sure Jisung wasn't really discreet with the descriptions of his visions but Changbin should have known! He knew about hunters, even though he thought they didn't exist anymore, that they disappeared because there was nothing to hunt for them when the barrier, which hid the supernatural world was created centuries ago. But he also knew that the man he had faced was one mainly because of the weapons he used. Jisung didn't know who he was facing. He had no clue about hunters after all!

Changbin didn't realize how much he was buried under this kind of thoughts until Felix slightly leaned away from him, so they were able to properly look into each other's eyes. The vampire's eyes had become red and tears were trailing down his cheeks. Looking into Felix's teary eyes didn't make that better, no it only pushed the vampire completely over the edge, making him fully cry.

"I-I am sorry Felix. We, we couldn't save them. We were too late", the vampire hiccuped. "Hyung ...", Felix began to fully cry too, pulling Changbin into himself again, so he could bury his face in the older's neck. The cat hybrid didn't fully understand what Changbin meant but it was enough for him to know that something terrible happened to his family and the clan of his parents. Of course did his current state of mind immediately say they were dead but another part of the cat hybrid's consciousness said that this wasn't true, that they couldn't be dead. He also didn't get why Changbin said "we" but a part of him already knew that it must be Jisung, who came here alongside the vampire.

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