Chapter 28: No secrets

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Jisung just blinked at Changbin and tried to process how much sense it made that the shorter male was a prince. No, wait. He was the vampire prince, the goddamn heir of the vampire throne, the one who would rule over all vampires in the future.

They two had sat down in the big living room of the castle and Changbin had explained Jisung that he was the vampire prince after the warlock had shot some questions at him, like why he was living in such a big castle and why very vampire seemed to know him. Apparently Changbin was well aware of the fact that Jisung wasn't an idiot and therefore just told him the truth instead of trying to get out of this situation by lying.

Changbin explained that him being the heir of the vampire throne caused Chantelle, Ryan and the other vampires at school to stick with him, even though he had told them countless times they should just leave him alone and not make him to the leader of their little group, which was later referred to as the vampire gang of Miroh High. He also mentioned he used his position to get Valentin King, the vampire who bit Jisung by force, behind bars and that Seungmin already knew all of this.

Everything was making so much sense to Jisung it let him question his intelligence, observation skill and all of the things he had thought about Changbin before they became friends. By all the gods he had misjudged Changbin so much before they became friends and was now really thankful to have gotten close to the vampire.

At some point Changkyun, who was still with the two, mentioned that not really every vampire knew Changbin was the vampire prince. Some knew him personally like himself, some knew how he looked as well as his name and most only knew his formal title and name but wouldn't recognize his face if they were shown a picture. It was a way of protecting Changbin until he was ready to take on the full responsibility of a crown prince.

The vampire prince also explained, that he didn't want to let everybody know he was the vampire's crown prince because he didn't want to be treated differently just because he was from royal blood. He liked having a rather normal life with people, who didn't think of his status.

"Jisung. Are you alright?", Changbin asked his friend hesitantly because Jisung had gone very quiet in the third half of Changbin's explanation, which was a clear signal for something not so pleasant. Worry and Anxiety were written on the young prince's face and he questioned himself if he had somehow upset his friend.

Suddenly Jisung stood up, making Changbin flinch a little bit at the sudden move. The warlock's face was unreadable when he quickly walked over to Changbin. "You are such an idiot", the blue-haired warlock stated, lightly punched the older's shoulder and let himself fall onto the black leather couch directly beside Changbin.

The vampire prince looked dumbfounded, which made Changkyun snicker from his position. He was leaning on the wall and honestly looked like a bodyguard with his crossed arms, black turtle neck and black coat.

"Shut up, hyung. Before I make you", Changbin scowled and glared into the direction of the older, who seemed more amused than anything.

"I have two wonderful boyfriends Binnie, so don't try", the older vampire teased, making the prince blush lightly and throw a pillow at him. Changbin missed Changkyun by a meter, maybe more and caused the older vampire to now fully laughing.

Jisung was more amused than anything while watching the two vampires interact with each other. They really seemed to know each other well and Changkyun also had a nickname for Changbin, which the vampire prince seemingly didn't hate, so it was a pulse point.

The young warlock with the blue hair silently agreed with Minhyuk's statement about Changkyun only looking scary. Just by watching him lightly tease Changbin and by his honest laughter you could tell he was a softie.

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