Chapter 46: Let the training begin

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"Hyung hurry up!", Jeongin urged his cousin, standing in his room's doorframe while jumping up and down like an excited child. It was a wonder he didn't hit his head with his high jumps.

"Don't stress me. I can't use magic to pack my things, remember?", Hyunjin sassed stuffing a fresh, white T-shirt into his bag along with a pair of sport shoes. "You are still taking forever to pack your things. We are literally just training with the hyungs. Well minus Chan-hyung", the kitsune retorted and stopped his jumping so he could cross his arms over his chest and pretend to be mad at the siren.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes before he stood up from his crouching position, draping his bag over his shoulder and joining Jeongin. "As happy as I am to have the majority of our friends back, it's still a little scary that Felix's and Minho-hyung's parents as well as Changbin-hyung's parents send them to NCT because they were safer with them here in Yellow Wood", the siren said shuddering a bit when he walked beside his younger cousin to the kitchen, where two bottles of water were waiting for them.

Jeongin was quiet for a little while, seemingly thinking but before Hyunjin could ask what he was thinking about the blond opened his mouth again. "As long as they are safe and well I don't care", the kitsune stated, grabbing his water bottle from the counter and stuffing it into little pocket on his backpack's side, where it was sticking out a little. The siren silently agreed with that statement while putting the water bottle into his bag.

A smirk formed on the older's lips when a special thought crossed his mind. "By the way, Innie", he mused, just getting a hum as response because the young kitsune was already in the hallway, putting his shoes on. "I bet you are excited to see Felix again. It has been a while since you have last seen him", the siren said, trying to sound like he was simply saying that without much thought but he couldn't hide the teasing undertone and of course the younger picked up on that.

The blond turned his attention away from his shoes and back to his cousin, who was now putting on his coat while acting casual. "Well, hyung I am but I think that you too will be excited to see a certain someone", the kitsune answered while finishing putting his shoes on with no special expression on his face.

Hyunjin froze for a minute, praying that Jeongin was just messing with him. There was no way Jeongin could have figured out how Hyunjin was slowly developing crushes on both Changbin an Seungmin. Hyunjin quickly shook that thought off. He wasn't even sure if he started to like Changbin and Seungmin in a romantic way, so why would Jeongin know. He wasn't a siren after all.

"I don't know what you mean, Innie. I am just happy that we can hang out with most of our close friends. There is no certain someone", the siren responded, slipping into his shoes easily and picking up his bag from the floor. He wasn't looking at Jeongin in hopes of not showing what he was really thinking.

"There sure is", the kitsune mused putting on his jacket while keeping a straight face. "There is not", Hyunjin huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Jeongin only snickered, making Hyunjin glare a little at him. The younger said nothing though, just raised his hands in surrender while a knowing smile was plastered on his face, which was enough to tell Hyunjin that the other had confirmed what he had wanted to know.

"We should get going before Auntie comes back and changes her mind about us going outside", the kitsune then changed the topic. Hyunjin's mother had been a bit unsure about agreeing to the idea of letting her son and nephew train with NCT when the two young males proposed the idea to her after hearing it from Changbin yesterday. In the end she agreed because she thought it was better than keeping them both at home at all time.

"She did say she thought it was a good idea to start effectively training our abilities so I don't think she would go back on her word", Hyunjin responded, looking at Jeongin. "Let's not take that risk", Jeongin huffed, walking to the apartment door with the older following him. Hyunjin couldn't disagree and closed and locked the door behind him when they left the apartment.

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